This Technology Transfer Advances Paraguay's
- Nationally Determined Contribution to improve the decision-making on the use and management of water resources as a result of two key methodological tools: i) methodology for determining environmental flows; and ii) methodology for formulating plans for the use and management of water resources via drainage basins
- Greater potential for the implementation of the National Policy for Adaptation to Climate Change based on the information that is generated and the territorial prioritization of adaptation measures, starting with the Tebicuary River Basin
Paraguay has expressed its interest in reducing the adverse effects of climate change. As a landlocked country whose economy is predominantly based on agriculture, Paraguay is highly vulnerable to climate change impacts. Adaptation is an essential part of reducing these negative impacts. However, due to the lack of information and strategies to enhance resilience against climate risk, this country has faced environmental, social, health and economic problems.
This technical assistance focuses on advancing in the field of technical studies, providing methodologies and practical tools to improve the management of watersheds and water resources in Paraguay, in a context of climate change and regional and global socioeconomic transformation.
The application of environmental flow (EF) tool which is designed in consideration with data availability in river basins of Paraguay represents the first phase of this assistance. This tool will assist the authorities to develop the ntegrated water resource management (IWRM) plans with the identification of relevant adaptive measures. The Tebicuary River Basin is proposed as an on-the-job training where associated data are used to train stakeholders to understand the EF tool. This river basin is one of the country’s largest basins and faces water management problems caused by all economic sectors and both rural and urban settlements.
The second phase of this assistance is to develop a framework for the formulation of an IWRM plan at river basin levels. The framework will underpin the development of IWRM plan providing the identification and implementation of control measures to adapt to climate change in river basins of Paraguay.
Requested CTCN Response
• Establish an adequate methodology for defining environmental flows in Paraguay at river basin levels
• Application to the Tebicuary River Basin
• Establish a methodology to design integrated water resources management plans (IWRM) at river basin levels and its application to the Tebicuary River Basin
• Carry out training and technology transfer activities in relation to the two previous activities
Relevant Technologies and Approaches
- Basin level planning
- Integrated Water Resources Mangement
- Water resource assessment
Expected Results
• Control of flows, water intakes and discharges, which will result in a conserved and resilient environment
• The sustainability of the water resource, the regulation of water exploitation, and the guarantee of access, use, management, control and enjoyment of resource to the entire population
• The study of flooding in the Tebicuary river basin will reduce the vulnerability to floods by a 20% (around 112,000 inhabitants)
• In this assistance, these contributions will have a direct impact on the Tebicuary River Basin population (around 560,000 inhabitants), but afterwards, the replicability of the tools in other basins will extend these benefits for all the country
The long-term expected outcomes:
- Greater potential for the implementation of the national policy for adaptation to climate change
- Continuation of water-dependent development activities through the more efficient management of water resources by the Secretariat for Environment