Substitute raw material processing technology (Sewage sludge)


The effective utilization of sewage sludge from municipality is expected. The cement industry has accepted waste materials and used as raw materials and/or fuels. Sludge from sewage plants is brought to cement plants in the form of incinerated ashes or dehydrated cake.

  1. Incinerated ashes: Incinerated ashes are mixed as a substitute for raw materials at the stage of mixing raw materials.
  2. Dehydrated cake: Dehydrated cake is directly put from the pressure feed pump into the furnace (rotary kiln or calciner), because of the smell and difficult handling.(Because of high water content, the cake is thermally offset and used as a substitute for raw materials, however, it contributes to reduction of waste treatment energy demand.)
  • Reduction of the consumption of natural resources (raw materials)
  • Extension of the service life of final disposal site
Succes factors and requirements

Automation of raw material mixing control is needed.

Countries where implemented

Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry, Japan [email protected]