The digestion facility for the production of biogas is one of the bigger in Sweden, treating about 85,000 tons of organic material every year. The facility receives manure, industrial organic waste from nearby food industries and pretreated organic household waste. The company is owned by the municipality of Kristianstad and it delivers biogas to the large utilities company E.ON and bio-fertilizer from production residues to the region's farmers.
Proven technology
Arena Oskarshamn consists of an ice rink, gym and office space, swimming pool, leisure pool, café facilities and an outdoor artificial frozen bandy rink that in summertime is the football field with artificial turf.
Sandviksverket in Växjo is a combined power and heating plant, producing heat to the city’s district heating system and power to the electricity market
Supply of green energy to the city of VäxjöThe plant is 98 percent fuelled with bark, shavings, wood chips and a small amount peat. Consequently its energy production has very little environmental impact. In fact emissions of carbon dioxide are reduced by 249,000 metric tons annually by leaving out the fossil fuels.
Twenty solar collectors connected to Bävergläntan’s wood-chip fired furnace, which provides heat and electricity to both the property and other industrial businesses A few years ago, the oil was replaced by a woodchip fired furnace. Now the wood-fired heating is supplemented with solar energy, primarily during the summer when the furnace is expensive to keep running. The purchaser for the system is Bävergläntans Fastighets in Smedjebacken, in Dalarna province, in Sweden.
Umeå Municipality has a total of 19 wastewater treatment plants. The largest handles waste water from households and various companies in the area. Every year, it receives about 13 million cubic metres of waste water, containing 3,000 tonnes of organic material and 80 tonnes of phosphorus. And every day it produces 23,000 kWh of biogas. Umeå’s largest treatment plant manages the waste water of 166,000 inhabitants (including industrial load) and can purify up to 8,100 cubic metres of waste water an hour.
Högdalenverket is one of Europe’s most modern facilities for extracting energy from waste, producing electricity and heat from Stockholm’s combustible household waste and industry waste. This makes Högdalenverket an important component in the district heating network of southern Stockholm. The waste-fired Högdalenverket is one of Stockholm’s largest combined heat and power plants, providing environmentally friendly heat and electricity to large parts of southern Stockholm.
Wind power is an endless and renewable source of energy that has been used for thousands of years. It plays an important role in Umeå Energis investment in renewable energy and is in line with the company’s aim to be completely carbon neutral by 2018. In total, the municipality owned company Umeå Energi owns ten wind turbines, which provide significant climate benefits. These turbines are situated in the towns of Hörnefors, Holmsund and Robertsfors. Hörnefors wind power plant consists of eleven turbines with an output of 2 MW each from two different manufacturers, Vestas and Enercon.
The Älvsbacka Bridge in Skellefteå is one of many pedestrian bridges constructed by Martinsons since the late 1980s and an innovative example of wood construction. It takes advantage of the environmental and other benefits from greater use of wood in building projects. Pedestrian bridges cause less inconvenience to traffic, as they reduce the number of pedestrian crossings. The wooden Älvsbacka Bridge in Skellefteå also provides several further advantages over other types of bridge:
• A high level of prefabrication, which makes for quick assembly. -
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Alelyckan Recycling Park was developed as a pioneering facility, where objects regarded as waste are received, repaired, processed and sold on site, creating a circular loop. Alelyckan Recycling Park has a covered sorting hall where trained staff help people sort their waste materials correctly. Items that can be reused are set aside and taken to one of the shops in the Recycling Park. Once this is complete, visitors continue to the recycling centre and dispose of their material in the designated places.