Integration of green spaces in planning



Green spaces are areas covered by vegetation (e.g. grass, bushes or trees), where water can permeate

through the soil and vegetation, filtrating part of the sediment and pollutants before reaching the

underlying groundwater. Green spaces and permeable surfaces are particularly relevant in urban

settings, where they help to uptake and infiltrate water, decreasing runoff rates. The water also often

contains excessive amounts of pollutants. This subsequently reduces pressure on water drainage

systems and treatment facilities. The high retention capacity of vegetation makes it important for

mitigating floods and managing urban storm water.

Managing rainwater infiltration rates has become increasingly important to meet the challenge of

increased frequency and severity of cloudbursts resulting from the changing climate. Apart from storm

water management’s applicable value, green spaces also contribute to improved living environments by

creating recreational areas for urban populations, contributing to air quality and creating habitats for

urban biodiversity. Examples of urban green spaces include: forests, wetlands, parks, sports fields,

agricultural land, gardens and green roofs. Public green spaces are protected, designed (if necessary),

managed and maintained by local municipalities.


The initial step for green spaces involves general planning, including site choice, size and type. Since

green spaces influence a wide range of societal sectors and aspects, such as health, education,

environment, heritage, transport, utilities, the private sector and community, stakeholders from these

sectors should be involved in the planning process. The planning process should identify urgent societal

needs, and how green spaces can address them. The next step is implementation. This may include

changing existing legislation to legally protect environmentally important areas, or the design and

planting of a new green space, for example a park, sports fields, or small urban forest. Planted

vegetation should be local species and be able to tolerate the high stress factors of urban settings.

Operational management includes landscape maintenance, removal of non-native species and

assessment of socioeconomic and environmental effects.

Environmental Benefits

- Provides water quality benefits. Water is infiltrated and purified by chemical, biological and physical

processes as it passes through the surface, soil and/or dense vegetation.

- Controls air pollution control and contributes to carbon sequestration.

- Decreases the likelihood of soil erosion, improves water retention and increases the groundwater

recharge rate.

- Reduces habitat fragmentation and enhances biodiversity in urban areas.

Socioeconomic Benefits

- Absorbs less heat than solid industrial constructions, and vegetated areas promote evaporation, reducing the urban heat island effect1

in cities.

- Provides high water retention capacity, which is important for preventing flood events and minimizing

peak discharges.

- Shades and cools (vegetation, particularly trees) surrounding houses in very hot climates, thus reducing

energy costs. Increases property value.

- Reduces water reaching drainage and sewer systems, minimizing water transportation and treatment

costs and energy.

- Provides aesthetic and recreational value to the local populations.

- Reduces noise levels in urban areas. Green spaces and other permeable surfaces reflect sound less

than buildings, paved roads and other urban structures.

Opportunities and Barriers


- Green spaces offer a wide range of environmental and socio-economic benefits from a single


- Low cost technology

- Climate change adaptation and mitigation benefits

- Relatively quick and simple implementation

- Can create income from increased property values


- Usually has limited capacities for reducing runoff, thus may not be the only solution for severe

urban flooding problems

- Requires space - may be difficult to make space in densely populated cities

- Increases in population and urbanization add extra pressures on urban green spaces

Implementation considerations*

Technological maturity: 4-5

Initial investment: 1-3

Operational costs: 1-3

Implementation timeframe: 2-3

* This adaptation technology brief includes a general assessment of four dimensions relating to implementation of the

technology. It represents an indicative assessment scale of 1-5 as follows:

Technological maturity: 1 - in early stages of research and development, to 5 – fully mature and widely used

Initial investment: 1 – very low cost, to 5 – very high cost investment needed to implement technology

Operational costs: 1 – very low/no cost, to 5 – very high costs of operation and maintenance

Implementation timeframe: 1 – very quick to implement and reach desired capacity, to 5 – significant time investments needed

to establish and/or reach full capacity

This assessment is to be used as an indication only and is to be seen as relative to the other technologies included in this guide.

More specific costs and timelines are to be identified as relevant for the specific technology and geography.

1. Urban heat island effect is when cities are significantly warmer than their surroundings due to heat produced from human activity and technologies (cars, factories, appliances etc.), and the high concentration of buildings, which absorb heat much more than e.g. vegetation.

Sources and further information

UNEP-DHI Partnership: Urban Green Spaces

Asian Institute of Technology (n.d.). Urban Forestry. ClimateTechWiki. Available at:

Cabe Space (2005). Start with the park: Creating sustainable urban green spaces in areas of housing growth and

renewal. Commission for Architecture & the Built Environment. Available at:…

CABE Space (2006). Green space strategies, a good practice guide. Commission for Architecture and the Built

Environment. Available at:…

Ciria Open Space (2016). Climate Change. Available at:…

Climate-ADAPT (2015). Green spaces and corridors in urban areas. European Climate Adaptation Platform,

European Environment Agency. Available at:…

CNT & American Rivers (2010). Center for Neighborhood Technology and American Rivers, The Value of Green

Infrastructure. A Guide to Recognizing its Economic, Environmental and Social Benefits. Available at:…

CVC & TRCA (2010). Low Impact Development Storm water Management Planning and Design Guide, Version 1,

Credit Valley Conservation Authority and Toronto and Region Conservation Authority. Available at:…

EC (2012). European Commission, the Multifunctionality of Green Infrastructure, Science for Environment Policy.

Available at:

Forest Research (2010). Benefits of green infrastructure. Report to Defra and CLG. Forest Research, Farnham, UK.

Available at:…


Foster, J., Lowe, A., and Winkelman, S. (2011) The Value of Green Infrastructure for Urban Climate Adaption, The

Center for Clean Air Policy. 

Haq, S. (2011). Urban Green Spaces and an Integrative Approach to Sustainable Environment. Journal of

Environmental Protection, 2, pp. 601-608. Available at:

Hunt, W.F. and Szpir, L.L. (2006). Permeable Pavements, Green Roofs, and Cisterns Stormwater Treatment

Practices for Low-Impact Development, North Carolina State University and North Carolina A&T State University.

Available at: (2007). Bioretention. Watershed Benefits. Available at: (2007). Available at:… Evergreen (2016). Environmental Benefits of Green Space. 

Soil Science Society of America (2014). Rain Gardens and Bioswales. Available at:…

UNEP (2014). Green Infrastructure Guide for Water Management: Ecosystem-based management approaches for

water related infrastructure projects. UNEP-DHI, IUCN, TNC, WRI, Green Community Ventures, U.S. Army Corps of

Engineers. Available at:…

University of Leeds (2015). A Brief Guide to the Benefits of Urban Green Spaces. Leeds Ecosystem, Atmosphere and

Forest (LEAF) Centre, Sustainable Cities Group, United Bank of Carbon.