Adaptation to the adverse effects of climate change is vital in order to respond to the impacts of climate change that are already happening, while at the same time prepare for future impacts. (Source: UNFCCC)
Date of submissionPhaseDesignCountriesObjectiveSectorsCross-sectoral enabler
Date of submissionPhaseReviewCountriesObjectiveSectorsCross-sectoral enabler
The Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) will provide technical assistance to help strengthen the resilience of two cities in Liberia, Monrovia and the suburb east of Monrovia, Paynesville, through the implementation of climate change adaptation actions, including rain gardens, which promote green infrastructure in these two urban areas.
Date of submissionPhaseImplementationCountriesObjectiveSectorsCross-sectoral enabler
Date of submissionPhaseReviewCountriesObjectiveSectorsCross-sectoral enabler
Date of submissionPhaseDesignCountriesObjectiveCross-sectoral enabler
Date of submissionPhaseImplementationCountriesObjectiveSectorsCross-sectoral enabler
Half-covered by the Sahara Desert and located between the arid Sahelian and north-Sudanese zones, Mali is characterized by a dry tropical climate with high variability between dry and wet periods. It is therefore estimated to be among the most vulnerable countries to climatic change.
Date of submissionPhaseImplementationCountriesObjectiveSectorsCross-sectoral enabler
Date of submissionPhaseDesignCountriesObjectiveSectorsCross-sectoral enablerApproach
The Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) is providing technical assistance to enhance the capacity of Fiji’s Ministry of Agriculture and Waterways and other key stakeholders to promote climate-resilient agriculture.
Date of submissionPhaseImplementationCountriesObjectiveSectorsCross-sectoral enabler
Feasibility study to develop an aquaponics facility based on a semi-enclosed/protected environment as a climate change adaptation measure to be replicated in Peru.
Date of submissionPhaseImplementationCountriesObjectiveSectorsApproach
Cameroon's National Development Strategy 2020-2030 aims to boost agricultural production, focusing on increasing yields, particularly on family farms. The country faces challenges from prolonged drought and rising temperatures.