This guide aims to help address this challenge by providing the missing identification and evaluation assistance that those looking for adaptation solutions initially face. More specifically, it focuses on adaptation technologies for building resilience to climate change induced hazards in the water sector.
It provides a simple and comprehensive overview of specific water technologies and techniques that address challenges resulting from climate change and help to build adaptive capacity. The cornerstone of this guide is the water climate change adaptation technology taxonomy developed, systematizing the most pressing climate change challenges in water sector, and their corresponding water adaptation technologies.
A total of 102 water adaptation technologies are included in this guide. Further to introduction of the adaptation technologies, several approaches to selection and prioritization various adaptation technologies are also discussed.
Water Adaptation Technologies included in this guide can be accessed below
By clicking on the links you can download the individual technology description briefs.
Unknown climate risks
Hazard and risk assessment:
- Downscaling of climate model projections
- Disaster risk assessment using LIDAR
- Flood hazard assessment and mapping
- Drought risk assessment and mapping
Vulnerability assessment:
Too little water
Water allocation:
Water augmentation:
- Rainwater harvesting for infiltration
- Urban green spaces*
- Conjunctive use of surface and groundwater
- Managed aquifer recharge (MAR)
- Source water protection*
Water efficiency and demand management:
- Water efficiency in industry
- Improved irrigation efficiency
- Water metering
- Reducing system water loss and leakages
- Public conservation campaigns
- Progressive pricing
- Hydrological zoning
- Water licensing and permits
- Shifting the timing of use from peak to off-peak periods
- Water savings requirements in building codes
Water storage:
- Surface reservoirs
- Multipurpose dams*
- Soil moisture conservation techniques
- Natural wetlands
- Rainwater harvesting for storage
Alternative water sources:
- Sea water desalination
- Solar water distillation
- Fog harvesting
- Interbasin transfers
- Groundwater prospecting and extraction
- Boreholes and tubewells
- Water recycling and reuse
Too much water
Riverine flood protection:
- Structural barriers to flooding - dams, dikes, locks, and levees
- Optimization of reservoir operations
- Reconnecting rivers with floodplains
- Flow-through dams (also known as perforated dams)
- Accommodation of flooding (flexible buildings and infrastructure)
- Ecological river restoration
- Multipurpose dams*
- Zoning and land development limitations
Urban storm water management:
- Urban green spaces*
- Permeable pavements and parking lots
- Bioswales
- Optimization of urban drainage systems
- Run off structures to temporarily store rainwater
Glacier lake outburst prevention:
Water pollution
Limiting nutrient leakage:
- Riparian buffers (e.g. wetlands, buffer strips)
- Protected areas and land use limitations
- Change in agricultural practices (limiting fertiliser application, sediment control)
Mitigating pollution at source:
Flood proofing for water quality:
- (Improved storm water management – see Section on Urban storm water management for relevant technologies)
- Flood-proof wells
- Flood-proof sanitary latrines
Improved water treatment capacity:
- Advanced domestic wastewater treatment tanks
- Constructed wetlands for water treatment
- Improved efficiency of centralized water treatment systems
- Improved point of use water treatment
Sea level rise
Limiting saltwater intrusion:
- Limiting abstraction from shallow aquifers
- Barriers to fluvial saltwater intrusion
- Increasing sustainable aquifer recharge
- Coastal groundwater level monitoring
- Coastal surface water monitoring
Built infrastructure for shoreline protection:
- Revetments
- Sea walls
- Land claim
- Beach nourishment
- Storm surge barriers/closure dams
- Breakwaters
- Dikes
- Groynes
- Jetties (inlet structures)
Green infrastructure for shoreline protection:
- Artificial reefs
- Restoration and protection of coral and oyster reefs
- Cliff stabilization
- Sea grass beds
- Coastal wetlands (including mangroves)
- Dune construction and rehabilitation
Accommodation and management:
- Coastal zoning
- Floating agricultural systems
- Flood proofing
- Managed coastal realignment
- Coastal setbacks
- Fluvial sediment management
Disaster preparedness
Early warning:
- Flood forecasting systems
- Drought forecasting systems
- Early warning systems for floods
- Landslide and mudflow warning systems
- Decentralized community run early warning systems
- Drought early warning systems
- Flash flood guidance systems
- Real time monitoring networks
Disaster response:
- Stacking of sandbags combined with the use of ground improvement technology (for basic restoration and reinforcement/restoration)
- Flood Disaster Preparedness Indices (FDPI)
- Communication protocols
- Flood shelters
- Social media applications for disaster response and mapping
- National and Community disaster management plans