Thermalinsulation is a flexible thermal insulation material made from closed cell, crosslinked polyethylene foam. The special crosslinking utilised in the production of the material, as well as, its closed cell structure, results in insulating properties that are superior to convrntional fibreglass, rubber based and non crosslined products.
A very low thermal conductivity value(K), and negligible water absorbtion and vapour tranmission rates reflect in its superior energy saving perfoamance, in s variery of environments.
Thermalinsulation products are fire retardant(FR) and meer the BCA(building code of Australia) requirements to AS15303.Early fire hazard, as well as British Standards BS 476 parts 6&7.
Health and safety
Completely user frindly, does not emit dust or fibre particle in service or during installation. No special precautions ( such as face masks or gloves) are required during installation.
Meets BCA requirements with repect to AS 15303(1989), Early fire hazard, and British Standards BS 476 parts 6&7(foil type)
Non irritant and odourless.
Is not irritating to the skin.
Does not allow build up of bacteria contamination.
Resistant to fungi.
Environmentally friendly made from polyethylene without the use of CFC’s HCFC’s
Emittance: 0.03
Reflectivity: 97%
R-Value: Up to R-11
Flame Spread: 25
Water Vapour Transmission: 0.012 g/m2 KPA
Fungi Growth: No Fungi
Corrosion: Doesn't generate