Events facts
The Advisory Board of the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) held its fifteenth meeting online, which was attended by 115 observers from around the world. The Danish government declared its intention to continue ongoing support of the CTCN with a new contribution of approximately $4,4 million USD.
The Director of the CTCN, Dr. Rose Mwebaza, presented that the CTCN witnessed exponential growth that saw requests for support more than double with 100 countries now being served for the period under review. She noted that much of the increase in requests can be attributed to alignment of the CTCN’s services with a more regional focus.
The CTCN Director also emphasized the importance of partnerships, and presented the $10 million-dollar Adaptation Fund Small Grant Aggregator programme which the Centre, via UNEP, will jointly manage with UNDP to support innovation in climate change adaptation. The CTCN is also making plans to help mid-size cities access innovative financing for climate adaptation technologies with GEF support and has assisted more than 20 countries in the formulation of GCF Readiness proposals for submission over the last year. The Centre continues its collaboration with the UNFCCC Technology Executive Committee, Adaptation Committee, Standing Committee on Finance and other partners. For more information, please see the presentation by the CTCN Director.
“We are meeting climate change needs in challenging times and are very grateful for all support. The CTCN undertook a risk analysis of the COVID-19 impact on the Centre’s 2020 work programme, as well as its impact on the CTCN’s reporting mandate to the COP. While much work is continuing to move forward, some important activities and stakeholder consultations are proving challenging”, noted Dr. Mwebaza.
The Board also discussed CTCN budgetary matters, resource mobilization, and monitoring and evaluation. The Advisory Board expressed its gratitude to the outgoing Chair, Ms. Orly Jacob from Canada, for her dedicated leadership and selected a new Chair, Mr. Ping Zhong from China, and a Vice-Chair, Ms. Moa Forstorp of Sweden.
The Climate Technology Centre and Network is accountable to the UNFCCC Conference of Parties (COP) through the CTCN Advisory Board. The Advisory Board meets twice per year and provides direction on the CTCN’s fulfillment of the COP’s guidance. The Advisory Board will next meet in November.
Please see the presentations and documents from the meeting below.
Meeting documents
- List of Supporting Documents
- Agenda
- 2019 Annual Report
- CTCN Advisory Board composition
- Report from AB Taskforce Meeting March 2020
- CTCN Chair & Vice Chair Election Process
- Report from the 14th AB Meeting
- CTCN 2019 Financial Statement