About CTCN

The Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) facilitates the connection between countries and climate technology solutions, expediting development and technology transfers for low-carbon and climate-resilient initiatives at the demand of developing countries. Positioned uniquely within the global climate action landscape, the CTCN serves as a vital link between all stakeholders, catalyzing collaborative efforts. It identifies and delivers a diverse portfolio of technology solutions, alongside offering capacity building and tailored advisory services on policy, legal, and regulatory frameworks to meet the specific requirements of individual countries. Leveraging the expertise of a global network comprising technology firms and institutions, the CTCN paves the way for national strategies, regional market aggregation, and the mitigation of investment risks, both in the public and private sectors. The focus lies on achieving transformative impacts and scaling up through national innovation systems and digitalization across five key areas: the Water-Energy-Food nexus, Buildings and Infrastructure, Sustainable Mobility, Energy Systems, and Business and Industry.

Advisory Board

The CTCN operates within its terms of reference and is accountable to, and under the guidance of, the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) Conference of the Parties (COP) through an Advisory Board. The Advisory Board of the CTCN determines its operational modalities and rules of procedure based on the functions outlined in decision 1/CP.16, paragraph 123. The Constitution of the Advisory Board was agreed and amended at COP 26.

Key COP/CMA decisions relevant to the Advisory Board:

For the implementation of the Joint Work Programme of the Technology Mechanism for 2023-2027, the TEC and the CTCN Advisory Board agreed to establish joint taskforces to support the implementation of work plan activities. Outcomes of the work of the taskforces are discussed and presented during the joint sessions held in conjunction with the meetings of the respective bodies. To see the list of ongoing taskforces and their respective members, please refer to the 2024-2025 TEC-CTCN Taskforce document. 


Profile picture for user Fred-Machulu.Onduri
Fred Machulu Onduri
Chair of the Advisory Board, Uganda, Non-Annex I
Profile picture for user Stephen.Minas
Stephen Minas
Vice Chair of the Advisory Board, Greece, Annex I
Profile picture for user Annie.Prigge
Annie Prigge
Canada, Annex I
Profile picture for user Armando.Rodriguez-Batista
Armando Rodriguez Batista
Cuba, Non-Annex I
Profile picture for user Aseel.Alharthi
Aseel Alharthi
Saudi Arabia, Non-Annex I
Profile picture for user CAvf5uHvJ2
Christian Lohberger
Papua New Guinea, Non-Annex I
Profile picture for user Christofer.AHLGREN
Christofer AHLGREN
European Commission, Annex I
Profile picture for user Dietram.Oppelt
Dietram Oppelt
Vice-Chair of the Technology Executive Committee
Profile picture for user Hansol.Park
Hansol Park
Green Climate Fund (GCF)
Profile picture for user p3rvGmnVxw
Ichiro Sato
Japan, Annex I
Profile picture for user Jacek.Trzosowski
Jacek Trzosowski
Poland, Annex I
Profile picture for user Justin.Perrettson
Justin Perrettson
Business and Industry NGOs (BINGO)
Profile picture for user HJKshV7h2p
Kazem Kashefi
Adaptation Committee
Profile picture for user Ketevan.Vardosanidze
Ketevan Vardosanidze
Georgia, Non-Annex I
Profile picture for user Lydia.Elewa
Lydia Elewa
Egypt, Non-Annex I
Profile picture for user Maria-Alejandra.Aguilar-H
Maria Alejandra Aguilar H
Youth constituency (YOUNGO)
Profile picture for user Mykhailo.Chyzhenko
Mykhailo Chyzhenko
Ukraine, Annex I
Profile picture for user Patricia-Marcos.Huidobro
Patricia Marcos Huidobro
Global Environment Facility (GEF)
Profile picture for user pedro.borges
Pedro Borges
Venezuela, Non-Annex I
Reed Brown
United States of America, Annex I
Profile picture for user Sigrid.Persson
Sigrid Persson
Sweden, Annex I
Profile picture for user Shikha.Bhasin_1
Shikha Bhasin
Research and Independent Non-Governmental Organizations (RINGO)
Profile picture for user Thibyan.Ibrahim
Thibyan Ibrahim
Chair of the Technology Executive Committee
Vacant Vacant
Nigeria, Non-Annex I
Profile picture for user Valeria.Pel-ez-Cardona
Valeria Peláez Cardona
Women and Gender Constituency (WGC)
Profile picture for user Vicky.Noens_1
Vicky Noens
Standing Committee on Finance (SCF)
Victoria Tauly Corpus
Indigenous peoples organizations (IPO)
Victor Menotti
Environmental non-governmental organizations (ENGO)

Advisory Board Meeting

Showing 1 - 12 of 24 results
19 - 24 April 2024

The upcoming 23rd Advisory Board meeting of the UN Climate Technology Centre & Network (CTCN) will take place on April 22-24, 2024, bringing together members in-person in Copenhagen, Denmark.

22 - 27 September 2023

The CTCN is accountable to the Conference of the Parties (COP) of the UNFCCC through the CTCN Advisory Bo

24 - 29 March 2023

The CTCN is accountable to the Conference of the Parties (COP) of the UNFCCC through the CTCN Advisory Board.

10 - 12 November 2020

The Climate Technology Centre and Network is accountable to the Conference of the Parties (COP) of the UNFCCC through the CTCN Advisory Board.

27 - 29 March 2019

The Climate Technology Centre and Network is accountable to the Conference of the Parties (COP) of the UNFCCC through the CTCN Advisory Board.