This Technology Transfer Advances Tanzania's
- Nationally Determined Contribution to "promote sustainable and climate sensitive health and sanitation infrastructure", and "enhance the use of renewable energy potential across the country", as well as its committment towards protection of forest resources.
Households, enterprises and institutions in the regions of Pwani, Lindi and Mtwara all use charcoal and fuel wood for cooking. The rate of biomass harvested from the forest to produce domestic energy is higher than the natural regeneration. In year 2012 the available wood that could be harvested sustainably was 46 million m3 per annum, however the consumption of the wood was 87.2 million m3 that created an annual wood deficit of 41.2 million m3. To meet the deficit, illegal harvesting targets protected areas.
CTCN Support Requested
The assistance requested is for the provision of the technical assistance on the preparation of the intervention measures, guidance on appropriate relevant technologies and their implementation. The assistance requested would contribute to the scaling down of the core problem of forestry destruction and degradation that contributes to climate change. It is anticipated with the interventions, the amount of fuel wood and charcoal utilized will be kept at sustainable levels including raw materials used for the production of the wood charcoal.
Relevant Technologies and Approaches
- Charcoal production for cooking and heating
- Improved cook stoves
Expected Benefits
Medium term impacts
- Established marketing of efficient and clean household and institutions biomass stoves in the regions of Pwani, Lindi and Mtwara
- Adopted resource efficient wood charcoal production technologies
Long term impacts
- Reduced rate of destruction and degradation of forests due to unsustainable exploitation for biomass energy
- Reduced potential impacts of climate change
- Improved economies at households and institutions dependent on biomass as the main form of energy
- Reduced number of deaths attributed to air pollution from use of fuel inefficient cook stoves