Feasibility Study for Low Carbon Transport in Solomon Islands



Low carbon Transport is both a mitigation and an adaptation challenge for the people of Solomon Islands. The transport sector needs to reduce its carbon footprint and be resilient to the effects of fluctuating and expensive fossil fuels. The high reliance on imported expensive petroleum products for the transport sector continues to pose a serious climate change concern and an economic challenge for the small and fragile economy of the Solomon Islands. The reliance on fossil fuel for transportation goes against the country’s climate change mitigation ambition as reflected in the NDC, the Climate Change policy, its National Energy Policy and Strategic Plan and its National Development Strategy.

While there might be information available on the transportation system in Solomon Islands, the information is fragmented with unclear institutional frameworks in place. The existence of information asymmetry in the transportation institutional structure of Solomon Islands creates policy and regulatory challenges for low carbon transport developments.

The lack of education and awareness on the importation and use of low emission vehicles is a barrier to the rapid uptake of energy efficient vehicles into the county.

CTCN Support

  • Identify the policy, legislative and regulatory barriers to low carbon transport;
  • Identify the technical, financial, institutional and capacity barriers to low carbon transport;
  • Develop an implementation plan, budget and an monitoring and evaluation framework for the barrier removals for supporting a vibrant and low carbon transport sector;
  • Develop a GCF Project Concept Note for SI on Low Carbon Transport using the information and data collected from the feasibility study

Expected Results

This will help the policies, legislation and regulations relating to low carbon transport to be be changed to capitalise on the new innovations and encourage or incentivise the introduction of new and efficient technologies into the country.


Date of submission
Geographical scope
Solomon Islands

Project details

Cross-sectoral enabler
Capacity building and training
Economics and financial decision-making
Governance and planning
Endogenous technologies
Final type of assistance
Feasibility of technology options
Request NDE
Ministry of Environment, Climate Change, Disaster Management and Meteorology

Key documents

Project documents
