Development of baseline greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions from cattle farming



Cuba's gross GHG emissions reached approximately 40 million tonnes CO2eq in 2010, of which 76 per cent was attributable to the energy sector (energy generation, transport and industries) and 15 per cent to agriculture, with the remainder split between waste and industry (9 per cent). 

Extensive livestock farming and the agronomic practices used in Cuba result in low animal productivity and high environmental damage (soil degradation, deforestation, biodiversity loss). The challenge is to transform the current traditional production model into sustainable low-emissions livestock farming, able contribute to GHG mitigation and adapt more readily to climate variability.

CTCN Support

Estimate the level of GHG emissions from cattle farming in order to inform mitigation measures to be included in policies, strategies and plans as part of Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMA) and Nationally Determined Cotnributions, as well as livestock development policies, strategies and plans, in Cuba: including to

•    Develop an initial baseline estimate of GHG emissions from cattle farming; 

•    Estimate the potential of implementing good practices for achieving sustainable low-emissions cattle farming 

•    Inform and support the Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment, the Ministry of Agriculture, the Ministry of Higher Education and National Association of Small Farmers in relation to the current status of emissions and the potential for GHG mitigation through the application of good practices; 

•    Educate and build the capacities of leaders and technical teams and producers in relation to sustainable low-emissions livestock farming.

Expected Impact

The technical assistance will enable the development of the knowledge base concerning GHG emissions from livestock farming required by the national leaders of the key Ministries and livestock farmers. It will also build  trust and social capital required between these leaders to continue to implement the changes and adjustments required along the whole livestock chain and to relevant public sector bodies in the long term. It will enable this information to be incorporated into climate change and livestock development policies and plans.



Date of submission
Geographical scope
Budget range

Project details

Final type of assistance
Recommendations for law, policy and regulations
Request NDE
Science, Technology and Innovation Department, Ministry of Science, Technology and Environment
Viresco Solutions
This technical assistance advances the following Sustainable Development Goals