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Water reclamation or recycling primarily makes non-potable wastewater useful, thus saving the economic and environmental costs related to establishing new water supplies. Water recycling and reuse is the process of collecting, treating and using wastewater, particularly from municipalities, industry and agriculture. The recycled water can be used for irrigation or industrial purposes, as well as domestic purposes if properly treated. In some cases, treated wastewater is indirectly used for drinking purposes, for example by injecting it into groundwater aquifers to increase capacity and minimize salt water intrusion. Water recycling and reuse is an important adaptation response to climate change as the increasingly unpredictable weather patterns and their effects, for example as severe droughts and sea-level rise, are likely to have negative consequences on freshwater resource quantity and quality.…

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Type of publication
Technology Compendium
CTCN Keyword Matches
Water recycling and reclamation