Water Treatment (drinking water): On-site Water Treatment System



On-site Water Treatment System  to Improve Quality




M itsubishi Chemical Aqua Solutions Co., Ltd. has introduced a small-scale, on-site water treatment and supply system that treats water from existing water resources and converts it into drinking water that meets standards for drinking water. The water source can be from any of the following: Groundwater, Surface water and Public supply system water.

The system offers clean water by combining pre-treatment processes and membrane separation technology in an effort to remove contaminants such as bacteria, viruses, anti-chlorine protozoa, iron, arsenic and manganese. The exact process will depend on the quality of the raw water used.

This small-scale water treatment and supply system can produce between 50 and 1,000 m3/day of clean water. The risk of water contamination within the distribution system is low, as the system doesn’t need long distribution pipelines.

In terms of water treatment performance, this system can boost the quality of the water, with each system completely customized for each client.


Major Features and Advantages




I. Safety and Stability

This fully-automated water supply system enables not only safe but also stable water supply. Mitsubishi Chemical Aqua Solutions’s membrane separation technology takes away the contaminants from raw water and converts it into drinking water that is safe to the consumer. There is little maintenance and operational commitment thanks to its fully automated features. This ensures steady and stable results. 

 II. Low Start-Up Costs

Because this is a decentralized system, there are low initial costs and O&M costs associated with this technology, as compared to larger, more centralized water treatment systems. Operating on a small scale, this water treatment system suits individual business institutions such as hospitals, residential buildings, and shopping centers, installed at the client’s site. No long supply pipelines are necessary and  minimal construction costs are involved.

III. Energy Efficient

Not as much energy is required, as compared with centralized systems, when it comes to water intake, treatment and supply.

IV. Remote Monitoring

Operational conditions and water quality data can be accessed from any location, not just on-site. The system can be operated from remote areas, so it is ideal for areas in which access is difficult.

Potential applications include large institutions that require large amounts of clean water such as hospitals, schools, and supermarkets. This water treatment system is desirable because of its low initial installation cost.

More than 1,200 water treatment systems have been installed so far in Japan. Some pilot systems have been rolled out in Kenya, Africa, Vietnam, and Myanmar as well. Mitsubishi Chemical Aqua Solutions Co., Ltd. specializes in providing total engineering to water solutions, including many facets such as plant engineering, operation and maintenance, research and development, and water analysis.


Technology Data


Conceivable applications

Our water treatment system is a small-scale, on-site water treatment and supply system that utilizes existing water resource at the customer’s compound and treats the water into drinking water that meets the drinking water quality standards. The water source can be groundwater, surface water and water from public supply system. Our water treatment system combines pre-treatment process and membrane separation technology, depending on the quality of the raw water, to remove contaminants such as viruses, bacteria, anti-chlorine protozoa, iron, manganese and arsenic.


Competitive advantage

1. Fully-automated, safe and stable water supply system

Our membrane separation technology for water treatment removes contaminants, such as viruses, bacteria, anti-chlorine protozoa, iron, manganese and arsenic in raw water. Also, the system is fully automated, hence it ensures safe and stable water supply with minimum maintenance and operational effort.

2. Low initial costs and O&M costs

A “Decentralized” system like our on-site system saves initial costs and O&M costs. Compared to massive, centralized water treatment system, our water treatment systems are small-scale, designed for individual usage, installed within the client’s compound, and thus without long supply pipelines. Therefore, both the initial costs (for the system itself and construction fees) and O&M costs can be minimized.

3. Less energy consumption

One of the features of the system is that it does not require much energy, in terms of water intake, treatment and water supply.

4. Remote monitoring system

Operation data is accessible even from remote areas. Our water treatment system employs a remote monitoring system, which enables you to check the operational conditions and water quality no matter where you are.

5. Low risk for water contamination

Water contamination risk is very low, because the system does not require long distribution pipelines that are considered major source of water contamination.

6. Potential applications

With all the above characteristics, large institutions that need clean water such as hospitals, schools, and supermarkets will benefit from introduction of our system.



We usually design small-scale water treatment and supply systems that have a capacity from 50 to 1,000 m3/day. One of the features of the system is that it does not require much energy consumption, in terms of water intake, treatment and water supply. Also, water contamination risk is very low, because the system does not require long distribution pipelines.

As for the water treatment performance, our technology can improve the quality of water to meet the customer’s needs, because we design each system for every client. For example, we operate a system that produces drinking water from raw water with Color: 350 NTU, Turbidity: 62 NTU, Fe: 3.3 mg/L and Mn: 1.8 mg/L, just for your reference.


Technical maturity / Past record of introduction

As of April 2019, we have installed more than 1,250 water treatment systems in Japan and operated a few pilot systems in Kenya, Africa and in Vietnam, Southeast Asia.



Picture A: Pilot Systems in Kenya



Picture B: Pilot Systems in Vietnam


Conceivable risk

Depending on the raw water quality, water treatment process could become more complex. In such case, the operating costs might increase, compared to the basic water treatment process flow, since some extra costs for chemical and waste water treatment as well as electricity would be charged additionally, as indicated below.


Contact person

 Mr. Suguru KUDO

 E-mail: [email protected]

 URL: https://www.mcas.co.jp/en

Technology owners

Mitsubishi Chemical Aqua Solutions Co., Ltd.