Off-Grid & Battery-Free Solar Photovoltaic Diesel Hybrid System
Off-Grid & Battery-Free Solar Photovoltaic Diesel Hybrid System
T he Universal Storage System, developed by TOTETSU MFG. CO., LTD., allows rainwater to be collected for storage. By removing sediments before storage, the stored water can be used for anything from agriculture to industry to everyday life. Typically, when rainwater goes through the gutters, it is wasted as it seeps into the ground. Instead, with this system, that water can be utilized.
D esalion is the desalination apparatus based on RO(Reverse Osomosis) method, which treat sea water and produce purified water(drinkable). The concepts of Desalion meet the guideline of small water supply system by WHO. Desalion is a movable equipment, has high durability and can supply high reliable drinking water.
N ippon Basic Co., Ltd’s Desaliclean 2501/9000 is a piece of advanced equipment designed to create drinking water from seawater. This ultimate solution to the global water shortage can bring many tons of water to isolated areas, villages or disaster areas that need clean water fast.
TOHATSU CORPORATION manufactures portable fire pumps, ideal for first response against building and brush fires. The pumps can be transported anywhere, making it possible to operate in both congested urban environments as well as difficult to access mountain terrains.
Drought Hero is a specially treated biochar product, making dryland agriculture more resilient to water deficiency by improving soil moisture content or plant available water, and nutrient available water and nutrient holding capacity as well as root growth. At the same time, farmers can improve their productivity by minimizing water consumption and fertilizer use while gaining better and/or more stable yield.
Our greening mats prevent soil erosion for civil engineering projects aiming to repair and green the bare slopes that are found in public works projects handling natural disasters, resource development and infrastructure maintenance.
The mats improve the soil environment which is highly correlated with plant growth while simultaneously preventing soil erosion. This protects the soil and achieves lasting greening.