A multi crystalline silicon PV module, using multi crystalline silicon wafers, has less conversion efficiency, but can be made with less cost and manufacturing skill.
Energy saving: approx. 16 TJ/yr (LHV)CO2 reduction: approx. 880 tCO2/yr(total 1MW power plant(e.g. 100 sites of 10kW PV), 20% of capacity factor)(compared to single gas turbine)
Reduction of air pollutants (e.g. NOx, SOx, dust (if compared to fuel-fired power plant))Reduction of thermal effluentIntstalling electricity for off-grid region
High efficiency up to 17.4%, and continuing R&D for target efficiency (20%@2017, 25%@2025)
Environmental regulation (e.g. air pollutants).
0.8USD/Wp (Global average c-Si module selling price, source: RENEWABLE POWER GENERATION COSTS IN 2014, IRENA)
Under consideration
Ministry of Economy,Trade and Industry, JapanEmail: [email protected]