Bioremediation: EcoClean and GreenClean Series for Bioremediation


EcoClean & Green Clean: Bioremediation Formulae for Soil and Groundwater

- Decontamination of Soil and Groundwater Using Microbes -

Bioremediation is the use of naturally occurring microorganisms to break down hazardous substances namely, chlorinated solvents, petroleum hydrocarbons, cyanides, pesticides, etc. into non-toxic or less toxic substances, like water and carbon dioxide. EcoCleanTM and Green Clean are bioremediation formulae manufactured by EcoCycle Corporation in Japan. Both are made of food grade raw materials. EcoCleanTM provides essential nutrients and energy to microorganisms, which anaerobically decompose various types of toxic contaminants found in soil and groundwater and Green Clean is for aerobic remediation of contaminants in soil and groundwater.


Major Features and Advantages



I. Range of Use

EcoCleanTM and Green Clean can treat contaminants in a variety of site conditions except in the highly contaminated (concentration above 500mg/L) and highly acidic environment. EcoCleanTM is mainly used to decompose chlorinated hydrocarbons and heavy metals include hexavalent chromium while Green Clean is used to decompose benzene, toluene, ethylbenzene, and xylene, petroleum hydrocarbons, poly aromatic hydrocarbons, and cyanide compounds. Other contaminants that can be treated by the Company’s products are pesticides, insecticides, and energetics, etc.

II. In-situ Bioremediation

EcoCleanTM and Green Clean are manufactured for in-situ bioremediation, meaning that contaminants are treated on-site. Here, physical removal (dig and dispose) of the contaminated soil and groundwater is not required. The formulae can be used in the premises of factories, under constructions that are operating. EcoClean and Green Clean are essential nutrients to be dissolved in water and injected into the subsurface of a contaminated facility to feed microorganisms, which use the pollutants as a source of respiration and energy. The contaminants are anaerobically or aerobically broken down there so that physical removal of the contaminated soil and groundwater is not required.

III. Low Energy & Cost

Bioremediation requires a little external energy. The installation and operational cost of EcoCleanTM and Green Clean are about 1/3 of the cost of conventional remediation technologies (physical or chemical treatment technologies). The remediation cost of the formulae is between 5,000 to 15,000 yen per m3. Other technologies such as “dig and dispose” or “hot soil” may cost up to 40,000 to 60,000 yen per m3.

IV. Short Remediation Time

The duration of contaminated site remediation is from 3 to 12 months in general, but it is as short as a few months in most sites of contamination. This duration is shorter than that of other technologies whose remediation may take up to several years or decades.

V. Safety

EcoCleanTM and Green Clean are both made of food grade raw materials, which provide well-balanced essential nutrients such as vitamins, amino acids, and minerals. They are safe to the environment.

EcoCleanTM and Green Clean have been widely used because they can be easily adopted in factories of different conditions to clean the contaminated sites. They are used in over 400 sites in Japan, the U.S., Taiwan and in other Asian countries. EcoCycle has formed a company in China and is planning to expand their business in Thailand, India and many other parts of the world.


Technology Data

Conceivable Applications

Our bioremediation products perform In-situ Bioremediation or Purification of soil and groundwater contaminated with chlorinated hydrocarbons and heavy metals with ‘EcoClean’, and petroleum hydrocarbons and cyanide compounds with ‘Green Clean’.


Competitive advantage

For example, EcoClean for bioremediation of Cholorinated Solvents

Performance: EcoClean is a mixture of well-balanced nutrients and energy source for microbes. By application of EcoClean for site remediation, quick anaerobic conditions are met allowing faster and more effective remediation results.

Installation and operational cost (life cycle cost): Low remediation cost, about 1/3 of the cost of conventional methods (physical or chemical treatment technologies)

Applicability: This bioremediation technology is applicable to some cases, where other treatment technologies are not applicable.

Comparison of Different Leading Remediation Technologies with EcoClean is shown on the second page of “Schematic illustration of the technology”



Short remediation time: The products are designed to clean most of the contaminated sites in the span of a few months.

Cleaning Contamination of high concentration: We have successfully degraded contamination with the order of several hundred milligrams/liter, according to Japanese environmental limits, at many sites with DNAPLs (Dense Non-aqueous phase Liquids).

Low energy requirement: Unlike some technologies such as pump and treat, bioremediation has very low energy requirement therefore environmentally green.

Running facilities: Can be applied to clean up the sites under active facilities, factories, and buildings.

Safety: Our products are safe for site bioremediation application, because they are made of food grade materials, and are degraded completely through contaminants degradation by the use of native microorganisms.


Technical maturity

Our bioremediation products have been successfully applied for cleaning over 170 sites contaminated with chlorinated aliphatic hydrocarbons, chromium (VI), petroleum hydrocarbons, & cyanide in Japan, US, Taiwan & other Asian countries.


Conceivable risk

There are no considerable risks as the bioremediation technology is matured, and low cost technology for purification of soil and groundwater contaminants have been applied around the world.. However, there are some cases where bioremediation technology may not be an option where highly acidic conditions exist, with very high contaminant concentrations, making it difficult to sustain active microbial growth, etc.


Information on patent related to this technology

EcoCycleTM Corporation holds several patents on all the proprietary products and injection methods in Japan and/or abroad


Contact person

Mr. Reddy

[email protected]

Technology owners

EcoCycle Corporation