Transport sector is a major GHG emitting sector in Sri Lanka. About 60% of the air pollution (especially in Colombo City) comes from this sector (AirMAC, 2009). The main way of transportation is through the road network, which is supplemented by rail, air, and water transport means. Out of passenger transport, buses carry about 50% and railways carry about 4% of the passengers, while the rest of the passengers are carried by the other modes (Jayaweera, 2011). Road transport accounts for about 96% of passenger transportation and 99% of freight transportation (Jayaweera, 2011). Currently, the transport sector in Sri Lanka utilizes petroleum-based fossil fuels, leading to significant amounts of CO2 and other GHG emissions (e.g. N2O, CH4) considered under the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC) and Kyoto Protocol.
Technology transfer, defined as the flow of experience, know-how and equipment between and within countries, is one of the priorities under the United nations Framework Convention on Climate Change (UNFCCC). Technology needs assessment (TNA) is a key element of the technology transfer, and is carried out with the intention of moving towards cleaner, less GHG emitting technologies.