Urban briquette making pilot project


This Technology Transfer Advances Kenya's

  • Nationally Determined Contribution and its aim to abate GHG emissions by 30% by 2030 relative to the BAU scenario. The Kenya NDC supports the implementation of the National climate change Action Plan (2018 – 2022) which includes the promotion of the following activities of relevance to this technical assistance;
    • Make progress towards achieving a tree cover of at least 10% of the land area of Kenya.
    • Clean energy technologies to reduce overreliance on wood fuels.
    • Sustainable waste management systems. 


Kenya is facing an increasing energy demand mainly due to the growing population most especially in the urban areas. Biomass has always been predominantly the main source of energy in most of Kenyan households. This form of energy advances deforestation and this fuels the climate change challenges. Additionally, Kenya has big challenges in waste management most especially in the ever-growing urban areas. Energy production form waste is gaining popularity as a feasible solution, therefore Kenya requested for assistance to enable effective briquettes production from waste materials.

CTCN Support

• Analyze the landscape of briquette production in a comprehensive way, identifying viable technologies, and including looking at the policy aspects and enabling environment to set up systems designed to encourage briquette production and use

• Produce a thoroughly documented manual that can inform the development and standardization of briquette production in the country. This work will guide the manufacture of biomass-based briquettes from both organic municipal solid wastes and agricultural residues

Expected Impact


  • Accelerate the development, deployment and diffusion of sustainable wood fuels systems in order to reduce reliance on unstainable wood fuel (charcoal and firewood which is the predominant source of fuel
  • Promote sustainable waste management; remove a key barrier that faces this sector which is technology deployment for effective briquettes production; transformation in the sector as a result of deployment of suitable technology for the briquettes production, capacity building of the technical practionnaires based on the training manual developed through this assistance and harmonization of standard and policies supporting this industry
  • Quantifiable impact on energy and waste management in GHG emission reduction
  •  This assistance will also have an impact on the livelihoods of thousands of people as well as a measurable reduction of the demand for charcoal from wood, which will lower the emission of greenhouse gases. In consequence, the project will lead to lasting benefits for livelihoods and climate resilience as well as mitigation benefits


Date of submission
Geographical scope
Budget range
Renewable energy

Project details

Cross-sectoral enabler
Capacity building and training
Economics and financial decision-making
Final type of assistance
Technology identification and prioritisation
Request NDE
Kenya Industrial Research and Development Institute
EED Advisory Limited
This technical assistance advances the following Sustainable Development Goals