This Technology Transfer Advances Palestine's
- Nationally Determined Contribution and the technology, capacity building and financial needs identified to recued its emissions by 24.4% by 2040 relative to business-as-usual scenario.
Climate change will not only have severe implications for Palestine's economy, society and environment, but also for the wider political context of the region. Building upon the Climate Change Adaptation Strategy and Program of Action, the National Adaptation Plan (NAP) to Climate Change from 2016 has identified a range of adaptation options for Palestine and a further analysis has prioritized highly vulnerable’ issues. In order to support the efforts, there is a need for a Technology Road Map for the Implementation of Climate Action Plans.
Requested CTCN Response
Capacity building for the development of a climate technology road map and for the mobilization of required financial resources to implement existing national climate plans and programmes.
Relevant technologies and approaches
- Monitoring and evaluation for adaptation
- National Adaptation Plan (NAP)
Expected Results
The technology roadmap will provide a ready-to-use structure for the various national climate action plans, translating the plans’ objectives into concrete, time-related actions related to a selected group of technologies.