This technology transfer advances Thailand's:
- Nationally Determined Contribution to reduce its greenhouse gas emissions by 20 percent from the projected business-as-usual (BAU) level by 2030, in line with the country's Energy Efficiency Plan (EEP) which states plans to reduce the country’s energy intensity by 30% below the 2010 level in 2036.
The Government of Thailand, in collaboration with the CTCN, is preparing a Green Climate Fund Readiness proposal to facilitate achieving national targets for the building sector as defined in Thailand's Energy Efficiency Plan of 2015, its Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs), and in its Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs)
As per the NDC Road Map of Thailand, of the 115.6 million tonnes in greenhouse gas (GHG) emission reductions to be achieved from business-as-usual by 2030, 113 million tonnes are anticipated to be achieved through energy efficiency and use of renewable energy. Addressing GHG emission reductions from the building sector is imperative to meet the national targets. The national Building Energy Code (BEC) from 2009 serves as a vital regulation for the building sector as it defines the mandatory minimum energy standards for new buildings, yet to be constructed. Though the BEC standards have been mandated, the authorities have not been able to stimulate the building construction industry, project developers and investors in adopting these standards due to a lack of techno-economic recommendations on relevant cost-efficient technologies.
Requested CTCN Response
To contribute to the revision and re-submission of the proposal to the Green Climate Fund for upscaling investments in building energy efficiency for achieving NDC goals in Thailand. The activities undertaken were:
- Providing technical assistance in determining the share of buildings in total GHG mitigation potential as committed in Thailand’s NDC through energy efficiency and integration of RE, and to develop a financial methodology to access the implementation potential of various technologies present in the market to enhance energy efficiency in building sector.
- Carrying out institutional assessment of current enforcement mechanism present to enforce Building and Energy Code (BEC) in Thailand, suggesting and describing the roles of various agencies responsible for implementing BEC and summarizing the challenges in implementing BEC.
In response to the above activities, a desk based research of available data in public domain was carried out and the following reporting provided:
- An overview along with diagram showcasing the potential of GHG mitigation from the buildings sector through energy efficiency and integration of RE
- Overview of costing methodology to access the implementation possibility of various new technologies, enhancing the energy efficiency in the building sector
Expected Results
Revised proposal to the GCF (technical assessment, institutional assessment, evaluation and communication) which will support Thailand in gaining support to implement its Nationally Determined Contributions related to energy efficiency in the building sector.