Tonga's Nationally Determined Contribution emphasizes the need for energy efficiency in the transport and electricity sectors due to their high share of GHG emission of about 63%. Tonga has requested CTCN fast technical assistance to further revise the Tonga Energy Efficiency Master Plan (TEEMP) to reflect the socio-economic benefits, cost-benefit analysis, time frame for interventions under TEEMP and economic contribution.
CTCN Support
• Revise the Tonga Energy Efficiency Master Plan
• Conduct a public consultation workshop
• Consult regarding the approval of the final plan by the Ministry
• Assist in launching the plan as an energy efficiency policy tool
Expected Impact
This technical assistance will support the country to adopt improved standards for energy services, appliances, technologies, building and vehicles which will lead to the enhancement of endogenous capacities. This will also be leveraged to develop financial proposals and business models for market uptake of various low GHG measures under electricity and transport sector in the country.