Monitoring system of adaptation measures in the water sector, analysis of barriers and financial sustainability for its implementation



Peru’s updated NDC, submitted in 2020, has progressed in its formulation of more concrete adaptation measures. These are accompanied by indicators, goals and implementation deadlines for each prioritized thematic area, including agriculture, forests, fisheries and aquaculture, health and water. These adaptation measures have indicators for short (2021) and medium (2025) term goals. Peru’s regulations of the Framework Law on Climate Change establish a System for the Monitoring of Adaptation and Mitigation measures, and the Ministry of the Environment, through the General Directorate of Climate Change and Desertification, has developed a roadmap for the monitoring and evaluation of adaptation measures composed of four phases: i) analysis, ii) design, iii) development, and iv) implementation. The Directorate has prioritized the water sector going forward to continue advancing the establishment of the monitoring and evaluation component.

The establishment of a monitoring system for adaptation actions is essential to monitor the progress of interventions and track how they are reducing risks, improving adaptive capacity, and supporting  vulnerable populations.  The goal is for the system to be fully functional starting in 2023, and there are several outstanding needs to be addressed in order to achieve the goal in this timeframe. Thus far, international experts dealing with agriculture and health have been engaged in building and advancing this roadmap.

CTCN Support

The cross-sectoral and transboundary nature of adaptation measures in the water thematic area presents challenges to consolidation of the M&E system since it is necessary to harmonize and homogenize data systems, which has not been done previously at this level of complexity.  The technical assistance targets the design phase for the M&E of water adaptation measures, making use of existing M&E systems and providing guidelines for the improvement of these current systems and guidance on how to involve local and national institutions in implementing them. Information will be collected on international best practices from international conventions and national frameworks on climate change. Measures being evaluated include population use, multisectoral management and energy use. Therefore, the ministries involved will be the Ministry of Housing, Construction and Sanitation (population use component), the National Water Authority (multisectoral management component), and the Ministry of Energy and  Mines (energy use component). The assistance will also identify barriers to M&E for adaptation measures, provide a financial sustainability analysis and the development of a concept note with recommendations for the management of climate funds that can support the completion of this endeavor.

Expected Results

The establishment of the M&E system will enable the assessment of progress on adaptation interventions and the quantification of risk reduction, adaptive capacity and impacts on populations affected by climate change. The assistance will also strengthen governance and sectoral planning and promote the integration of climate resilience into development planning. The financial strategy will identify financing mechanisms that can ensure the sustainability of the M&E system for water, while the concept note will be presented to international funding sources.


Date of submission
Geographical scope

Project details

Cross-sectoral enabler
Governance and planning
Community based
Endogenous technologies
Final type of assistance
Decision-making tools and/or information provision
Request NDE
Dirección de Cambio Climático y Desertificación, Ministerio del Ambiente
Metroeconomica, S.L.
This technical assistance advances the following Sustainable Development Goals

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