The scientific and industrial community involved in actions related to climate change, as well as the development of technologies and applications in the field of hydrogen and fuel cells in Brazil, is very active. However, there is a need to foster their synergetic development in order to facilitate the sustainable deployment of applications such as distributed electricity generation and electric/hydrogen mobility. National know-how and experiences need to be further connected to an international network to be mobilized and to stimulate cooperation among projects, organizations, and experts and also to identify funding for joint projects.
Requested CTCN Response
- Knowledge sharing of international best practices with Brazilian institutions and companies
- Assist the Brazilian Hydrogen Association in transferring its unique experience in Brazil as well as to other institutions in Latin America
Expected Results
- Dissemination of knowledge on the hydrogen energy sector that will foster the interest for the new collaborative projects at the regional level and financing opportunities for new scientific and technological activities
- Adoption of codes and standards to facilitate the deployment of safe engineering implementations
- Identification of key players and potential members for the Brazilian Hydrogen Association
- Identification of potential areas for international cooperation and funding opportunities
- Development of a 3-year business plan for the Brazilian Hydrogen Association including the list of established collaborations with key Brazilian organizations in the renewable energy, power systems, grid management, transport and urban mobility field
Date of submission
Geographical scope
Other multi-country
Budget range
Renewable energy
Energy efficiency
Project details
Cross-sectoral enabler
Governance and planning
Final type of assistance
Sectoral roadmaps and strategies
Request NDE
General Coordination of Climate Science, Ministry of Science, Technology and Innovation (MCTI)
European Hydrogen Association