This Technology Transfer Advances Armenia's
- Nationally Determined Contribution to strive to achieve ecosystem neutral GHG emissions in 2050 (equivalent to 2.07 tons/per capita per annum) with the support of adequate (necessary and sufficient) international financial, technological and capacity building assistance, and to ensure adequate technological assistance and create a favorable environment for technology development and transfer.
Armenia is a landlocked mountainous country with vulnerable ecosystems. Thus, climate change adaptation and mitigation are among national priorities. Identification of the most relevant technologies and their promotion among stakeholders in Armenia is a weak point for the country in this regard. There is a lack of knowledge of existing technologies, lack of experience in identification of stakeholders, preparation of proposals, and formation of necessary alliances, necessary for efficient technology transfer.
Requested CTCN Response
- Identification of the most relevant technologies for the priority objectives, e.g. new high-performance materials for buildings thermal insulation; non-energy intensive substitutes of metal reinforcement; energy-saving equipment for production sites/electric lighting; combined energy generators for rural areas, etc.
- Development of a comprehensive plan for selected technologies' promotion among key stakeholders; and support for the implementation of the plan
- Provision of tools and trainings on how to prepare proposals to identified stakeholders as well as on legal issues relating to technology transfer
- Preparation of a financial model (including operational expenditures), and a legal model, in order to develop agreements between the technology developers and stakeholders
- Guidance and support for technology customization and widespread deployment. Facilitation to expand the range of partners and stakeholders for technology implementation/commercialization.
Relevant Technologies and Approaches
Expected Results
- Formation of a national process identification and development of technologies most relevant to country's needs
- Strengthened capacity to develop proposals, establish stakeholder alliances, and other actions necessary for efficient technology transfer
- Elimination of barriers that hinder the transfer of climate technologies
- Formation of sustainable innovation platform for environmentally sound technologies, and increased investments in this field.
Date of submission
Geographical scope
Budget range
Energy efficiency
Project details
Final type of assistance
Decision-making tools and/or information provision
Request NDE
National Center for Innovation and Entrepreneurship under the Ministry of Economy
United Nations Industrial Development Organization