Establishment of an integrated salinity intrusion data sharing system for adaptation to the climate change impacts in the Mekong Delta of Viet Nam



Viet Nam’s Mekong Delta (VMD) is the third largest delta on Earth, and is currently home to 17 million inhabitants, whose livelihoods depend mainly on agricultural and aquacultural production. The VMD, with its extremely low-lying delta plain (average elevation of ~80 cm), is particularly vulnerable to even small changes in relative sea level rise, but also to other climate change impacts, such as increased frequency of intense dry seasons and droughts. Some of these effects are already being felt, e.g., with saline intrusion going deeper into the mainland and causing great damage to the environment and lives. It is expected that in the coming years, water resources in VMD will continue to face significant challenges, including the forecasted rapid increase in the intensity and extent of saline intrusion. 


CTCN Support

Viet Nam’s Nationally Determined Contribution document (NDC) submission to the UNFCCC in 2020 highlights saline intrusion as One of the climate change impacts key areas affecting water resources and agriculture sectors, and several policy and planning instruments have been put in place to address this issue. Despite the investments made, including the setup of saline monitoring equipment, data remains fragmented among several institutions and both financial and technical barriers need to be addressed so that the existing physical monitoring stations can be effectively utilized to provide timely data to those who can make decisions and take timely and coordinated action to respond to salinity hazards and prevention. 

This technical assistance aims to develop an Information Management System to exchange information and near-real-time data on salinity intrusion, sharing salinity monitoring data and display maps of salinity intrusion in the Vietnam Mekong Delta region (VMD). 


Seeking Experts

The Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) is seeking qualified interested firms to submit the Expression of Interest (EOI) to participate in the upcoming solicitation for the Establishment of an integrated salinity intrusion data sharing system for adaptation to the climate change impacts in the Mekong Delta of Viet Nam. 

The overall objective of the Technical Assistance is to develop an Information Management System to exchange information and near-real time data on salinity intrusion, sharing salinity monitoring data and display maps of salinity intrusion in the Vietnam Mekong Delta region (VMD).  To ensure sustainability of the results of this technical assistance, training will be provided on how to operate and utilize the Information Management System developed, so that the River Basin Organization and relevant institutions are able to effectively share data on salinity intrusion and better incorporate the salinity data in decisions relating to climate change preparedness and hazard early warning. 


Expected Outcome

Some of the expected outcome, outputs and activities are; 

  • Development of implementation planning and communication documents 
  • Stakeholder engagement, and assessment of available data and existing salinity monitoring & forecasting systems in VMD. 
  • Develop an integrated information management system 
  • Capacity building for the effective use of the Integrated Information Management System. 

The complete details of the requirement will be provided in the tender documents that will be issued to bidders after this request for EOI is closed. If you are not a CTCN network member yet, you may still apply (further details are found in the document).

For more information, please visit the UNGM portal.

Please note that this request for expression of interest (EOI) is not an invitation for submission of tenders. Its purpose is to identify companies interested and eligible to participate in the solicitation when issued. Vendors that are deemed qualified upon completion of an objective evaluation of their EOI submission will receive the final tender solicitation documents.


Date of submission
Geographical scope
Coastal zones

Project details

Cross-sectoral enabler
Economics and financial decision-making
Governance and planning
Community based
Disaster risk reduction
Final type of assistance
Decision-making tools and/or information provision
Request NDE
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam
This technical assistance advances the following Sustainable Development Goals

Key documents