This Technology Transfer Advances South Africa's
- Nationally Determined Contribution to build the necessary institutional capacity for climate change response planning and implementation for the period 2020 to 2030.
The national Technology Needs Assessment (TNA) has been undertaken by the Department of Science and Technology in 2007. However, the KwaZulu Natal Province has noted that the National TNA only provides high level information which lacks the Subnational based information that can assist the Province to assemble technologies needed to reduce impacts of climate change within its jurisdiction. Hence, KZN province proposes a regional TNA, which will help the province to facilitate the transfer of the climate related technologies required to deal with the impacts of climate change within the District and also to contribute to the country's objectives on technological transfer. The Ilembe District Municipality proposes a local level TNA, which will help the district municipality to facilitate the transfer of climate related technologies required to deal with the impacts of climate change within the District and also to contribute to the country's objectives on technological transfer. In addition it is proposed that Ilembe District Municipality be used as a pilot site to develop an energy audit to be implemented by graduates from the local TVET colleges, a model that would be replicated across the province in all district municipalities.
CTCN Support Requested
Support the development of a provincial and local TNA that is aligned to the national TNA with a particular focus on the following:
- Understand a variety adaptation and mitigation technologies available in the market and affordable for various sectors as well as their suitability to be implemented.
- Develop methods to diagnose and design a range of climate technology transfer projects accessibility and acceptability from the prioritized technology portfolio and linking them to climate finance mechanisms.
- The work should involve detailing technological requirements for the diagnostic and design methods that refer to implementation (orgware and enabling factors), accessibility (access to financing & resources), availability (service reliability & resource security) and acceptability (social & ecological improvement).
- In order to fast track implementation of energy related technologies, assistance is required in developing methodologies for energy audits at local level that can be replicated across the province.
Relevant Technologies and Approaches
Expected Benefits
The undertaking of the TNA exercise is aimed at understanding the available technologies within the province and to determine the need to import some technologies outside of the region, province or country. Therefore, the Subnational TNA will assist the province to develop baseline information on the available technologies within the region as well as developing a strategy on how to transfer technologies (from within the region, province, country or internationally) into the District Municipalities, which is currently not available. This will assist the District Municipalities and its family of Local Municipalities, to reduce the emission of greenhouse gases whilst at the same time adapting to the impacts of change.
The Energy Efficiency Strategy for South Africa 5 had set a national target for energy efficiency improvement which embraces the energy conservation of 12% before end of this year (2015). To achieve the goals set out in the Energy Efficiency Strategy, EDTEA as a lead agent on Climate Change issues in the Province proposes energy reduction programmes to achieve Government 's intended reduction of energy consumption by 10% at all government owned buildings and work stations used by government institutions.
The Province believes the 10% reduction of energy will in the long term contribute to the conservation of the environment by reducing emissions. Renewable energy sources offer the potential for a clean, decentralized energy source that can significantly impact the countries greenhouse gas emissions.