Development of a Mechanical-Biological Treatment (MBT) pilot project of the Waste NAMA in Cali


This Technology Transfer Advances Colombia's


The Colombian government has reformed its solid waste management regulations to enable the use of alternative treatment technologies. Current tariff structures do not recognize alternative treatment methods (recycling, compost, RDF, etc.) as part of a waste public service. In addition, the absence of a coordinated, national solid waste management policy, and a city-level action plan for integrated waste management policies, hampers the implementation of the project. Colombia is proposing the implementation of the Solid Waste Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA) pilot project, to shift the view of conventional waste management and promote alternative treatment methods, between public and private stakeholders and policymakers of the country.

Technology Request

The City of Cali requested a quick response assistance with deploying an alternative Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) treatment plant that will contribute to reducing GHG emissions. 

CTCN Support

The CTCN and partner, the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), provided the following technology assistance in Colombia:

  • Conduct technical feasibility study, including existing studies to identify appropriate technology
  • Elaborate on  deployment  structures  for  the  selected,  treatment technology
  • Create business  model  for  MSW plant
  • Develop a plan to access financing
  • Conduct capacity  building  activities on operation  of  selected  plant 
  • Conduct technical  studies  to  determine  the  most  feasible  waste  treatment  technology  for  two additional pilot cities to facilitate replication and up-scaling

For further details, please see Documents section below.

Relevant Technologies and Approaches

Expected Impact

  • Demonstration of the technical  and  financial  feasibility  of  an  alternative MSW treatment  plant
  • Implementation of MSW plant
  • Job creation
  • More efficient waste sector and role model function for to the region
  • Reduced GHG (mainly CH4) emissions from landfills

Country Partners

Administrative Department of Environmental Management (DAGMA); Autonomous University of the West Cali; Carvajal Foundation; CEMPRE; Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development, Climate Change Division; Ministry of Housing, Cities and Territory; Regional Autonomous Corporation of the Cauca River Valley; Universidad de Valle and Universidad (ICESI); Social Wealth Secretariat of Santiago de Cali.


Date of submission
Geographical scope
Budget range
Waste management

Project details

Cross-sectoral enabler
Economics and financial decision-making
Final type of assistance
Feasibility of technology options
Request NDE
Directorate of Climate Change of the Ministry of Environment and Sustainable Development
International Solid Waste Association
This technical assistance advances the following Sustainable Development Goals

Key documents