This Technology Transfer Advances Tanzania's
- Nationally Determined Contribution to promote the use of energy efficient technologies and behaviour, and reduce greenhouse gas emissions economy wide between 10-20% by 2030 relative to the BAU scenario of 138 - 153 million tones of carbon dioxide equivalent (MtCO2e)- gross emissions, depending on the baseline efficiency improvements, consistent with its sustainable development agenda
Just over one-fifth of households in Tanzania have access to electricity, where it is used primarily for lighting, with biomass available for other uses. The adoption of energy efficient technologies beyond lighting has consequently been low in Tanzania to date, where the priority in the residential sector is on expanding access to electricity. Currently, wood and charcoal are the main sources of energy in rural areas of Tanzania.
The CTCN previously developed detailed country assessments for 9 African countries, including Tanzania, focusing on five priority products (i.e. lighting, refrigerators, air conditioners, electric motors and distribution transformers). This assistance will help to inform Tanzania's future objectives for climate-related policy actions.
CTCN Support
- Validate the data collected by the CTCN from stakeholders (e.g. manufacturers, retailers, suppliers, utilities) on the existing initiatives and use of refrigerators and distribution transformers. Undertake detailed market assessments and feasibility of implementation of technologies with the highest efficiency
- Develop a technology roadmap and action plan for promoting and adoption of efficient appliance in the country.
- Propose draft minimum energy performance standards (MEPS) and labeling for refrigerators (building off the United for Efficiency Model Regulations) and procurement specifications for distribution transformers
- Assist decision makers and stakeholders to put the draft MEPS for refrigerators and procurement specifications for distribution transformers into practice
- Gather information on financing lines and business models for financing energy-efficient refrigerators and/or distribution transformers
- Develop proposal for financial/market based mechanism on energy-efficient refrigerators and/or distribution transformers
Expected Impact
Increase the energy efficiency of products in Tanzania by providing a technical market assessment of current conditions and policies. The project will also provide gender and other co-benefits, such as energy-efficient and higher quality refrigerators allowing users to save funds for other economic opportunities, reducing food waste from spoiled foods and providing increased economic opportunities by increasing the ability to store food instead of frequent trips to the market. In addition, distribution transformers and other energy-efficient products will result in reduced demand on the electricity grid provide more stable electricity distribution and economic opportunities for the entire population.