Development of energy efficiency projects in industries and services


This Technology Transfer Advances Senegal's


Senegal is a west african developing country where energy demand is growing fast ( 4%) mainly due to the demographic  and  economicic  growth.  At  the  other  side,  the  energy  supply  face  lot  of  difficulties  and  is

characterized by:

  • insufficient installed generationcapacities;
  • high level energy cost due to the important use of fossil foil for electricity production;
  • high energy dependancy of the country due to fossil foil imports (no local production);
  • not  efficient  use  of  energy  in  some  sectors  coming  from  not  efficient  appliances  processes and technologies.

Lot of investments are planned each year for generation capacities which are not environmental friendly (fossil fuel, coal) and if nothing is done at the demand side, these one will be increasing at the long run. Energy efficiency is one of the key component of the national energy policy. The potential is very high and the studies already done, show 43% of energy savings that is possibe to realise on energy demand. Industries represent only 0.2% of the consumers but 36% of the consumptions (2013) and the energy saving potential is very important since they mostly have !Deficient processes and equipements. An energy efficiency program dedicated to them was already designated and consisted of a group of 7 technologies to develop. But, this program needs to be developped for its implementation (more studies).

In order to develop and implement energy efficiency programs in the country (including the designed program for industries that can be replicated for some big services), the national energy efficiency agency (AEME) was created in 2011 and the government, under its policy letter for energy sector development of 2013, assigned to AEME an objective of 40% of energy savings by 2020 for the country. At this stage, the global studies of the program dedicated to industries (to replicate for some services) have been done but not the detailed one. And, due to its important technology transfert component (with new energy efficient technologies that are not well known in the country), it is worth to develop it because of the multiples benefits it can generate for the economy, the industrials and environment.

Assistance requested

The assistance that is requested consists on:

  • The development of an additional study and monitoring/evaluation tools: the available stud for this program is not detailed and didn't focus only on the proposed technology. Also, it didnt fully considerate the services for promotion of these technologies. The additional study will be a way to highlight analysis related to the project, constraints, required investment, detailed implementation strategy, appropriate monitoring/evaluation tools, financing scheme and resources recovery, environmental issues ;
  • capacity building for the project management: since the proposed technology is not well known in the country, for its effective promotion, the project team needs to be trained well in order to master the subject and be able to manage well the project;
  • technical advices on policies for the technology adoption : this will help the project management team to identify the other measures to undertake or to propose to the government in order to back the development of the project. Sometimes, policy measures are much more important for the adoption of some practices and technologies than demonstration and communication;
  • project development : this will help to prepare, for specific industries and services, the project documents for its implementation and the financial scheme for the required investments;
  • adaptation to the local context: cogeneration/trigeneration can be adapted to specific needs of industries and services in the country and also the fuel that will used can be adapted to the local existing materials. The adaptation of this technology to the local context will improve its benefits

The level of development of cogeneration and trigeneration systemsis very low in the country. They are not well developed because of many reasons: not well known, lack of engineering for their developmentfunding, etc.There is only 2 cogeneration plants implemented (in 2 slaughterhouses) and most of the industries or other sectors dont know these technologies. Some of them have heard about it but are not yet convinced because they dont know or master the technology and they also want to be sure of the benefits (savings) before investing important money on it. They also want to make sure of all the risks and how to overcome them before getting involved.

Then, what is needed for the deployment of these technologies in the country is detailed studies and demonstration from pilot projects. These one will help to prove that these technologies are well working and can be implemented correctly and give the expected benefits.

Relevant Technologies and Approaches

  • Fuel switch in industry
  • Trigeneration

Expected benefits

The program will be a way to introduce new technologies and develop existing ones (but not well known) in the country. These technologies are working well in some countries but due to lack of experiences in their implementation in the country, they are still undeveloped. The advantage of the pilot program is that, though demonstration, industries and services can see themselves that it works and be interested in investing in such technologies. There will then a transfer technology, at a wider level to mitigate climate change.

These technologies can be more affordable if local workforce is involved and trained in order to be able to implement and do installations maintenance.

Social benefits will be employment and new markets generation contributing then to the improvement of living conditions of some people. The impact on environment will mainly come from avoided energy production because of the energy efficiency. Since the production depends on fossil fuel, C02 emissions will decrease.

The proposed technologies are sustainable and will generate very long term effects: benefits will be easily conserved because it comes from technologies not from behavior or some other sources. At the long run, with a wider implementation of these technologies (which will become much more affordable) there will be much important impacts (in energy savings) on environment and populations.

There are also lots of financial benefits either for the government (public services electricity costs reduction) or industries (operating costs reduction).

For further information, please see project documents below or watch a video about this technology transfer.


Date of submission
Geographical scope
Budget range
Energy efficiency

Project details

Final type of assistance
Decision-making tools and/or information provision
Request NDE
Centre d’Etudes et de Recherches sur les Energies Renouvelables
Environment and Development Action in the Third World
This technical assistance advances the following Sustainable Development Goals

Key documents