Design of a National Network for Monitoring Ecosystem Resilience in the Face of Climate Change


This Technical Transfer advances Chile's

  • Nationally Determined Contribution to implement specific actions aimed at increasing resilience in the country, under the National Climate Change Adaptation Plan and the sectorial plans


Chile’s current and future economy relies strongly on its biodiversity to offer access to a wealth of terrestrial and marine natural resources. Biodiversity relates directly or indirectly to many relevant activities in the country such as fishing, agriculture, forestry, farming and livestock development, mining, water supply management and many others. Some activities are based on the extraction of valuable species with the end use of commercializing them as food products for national and international markets, others are dependent on so called ecosystem services or sustain themselves in scenic beauty and richness. Sectorial activities generally consist of development projects and interventions that frequently bring pressure or threat to wilderness areas or landscapes with determined biodiversity characteristics. These pressures and threats can be aggravated considering the effects of climate change on ecosystems and species. In this regard, a rigorously planned biodiversity monitoring network can allow for detecting changes in biodiversity and its relationship with climate, and is a fundamental component of structural action and policy decisions in Chile’s adaptation to climate change. A dynamic and periodic assessment of the state of biodiversity is essential to make informed decisions for safeguarding of biological assets. 

CTCN Support

The CTCN and its partners, the Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center and World Agroforestry Centre provided assistance to Chile's Ministry of Environment in designing a national biodiversity monitoring network. In recognition of national capacities and the need for knowing national circumstances in order to work more efficiently, analysis was also provided by national institutions. The collaboration between local partners and international experts resulted in:

  • The architectural and conceptual design of a national monitoring network for biodiversity and ecosystems, and their responses to climate change. 
  • Standards and protocols for the monitoring of biological and environmental variables, climate scenarios, and the networks knowledge management.
  • A proposal for the formal institutional arrangements and alliances as well as logistical, operational and financial requirements for network implementation.  

For more detailed information, please refer to original project documents under the Documents tab below.

Technologies and Approaches Addressed

Expected Impact

Immediate impact

  • Removal of technical and technological barriers for implementation of a national biodiversity monitoring system 
  • Enhanced capacity to access financing for implementation of monitoring system

Long-term impact

  • Strengthening of Chile's environmental policies and decision-making, and integration of environmental considerations into other economic and sectoral policies. 
  • Ability to pro-actively work with human, natural and climate threats to biodiversity to prevent over-use and extinction of commercially important species. 
  • Reduced GHG emissions through conservation of natural resources and the carbon stored there-in, as well as sequestration of carbon dioxide through restoration measures. 


Date of submission
Geographical scope
Budget range

Project details

Cross-sectoral enabler
Governance and planning
Ecosystems and biodiversity
Final type of assistance
Decision-making tools and/or information provision
Request NDE
Agency of Sustainability and Climate Change
Tropical Agricultural Research and Higher Education Center
World Agroforestry Centre
This technical assistance advances the following Sustainable Development Goals

Key documents