This Technology Transfer Advances Uganda's
- Nationally Determined Contribution to "develop research and data collection programs and networks on the impacts and adaptation to climate change and variability".
Hydropower, fisheries and transport are among key sectors that can be threatened by decreased water levels and water availability in Lake Victoria. Improved technologies for making climate resilient decisions, and embedding the latest climate information into the decision workflow is critical for policies and strategies aiming at preserving a sustainable water resource and energy production from Lake Victoria.
Requested CTCN Response
To facilitate transfer of and capacity building for technologies for climate change adaptation focusing on long term planning within the water resource and energy sector. The support will utilize existing technologies and further develop and validate them for applications within the region. Particular focus in requested for:
- Climate data
- Impact assessment
- Planning
- Dissemination
Relevant Technologies and Approaches
- Climate change monitoring
- Seasonal to interannual weather forecast
- Climate change vulnerability assessment
- Downscaling of climate model projections
Expected Results
- Establishment of scientific based technologies for inclusion of climate change and climate variability into long term planning
- Increased capacity and awareness of methods embedding the latest climate information into the decision process, and the outcomes should be captured by the national and regional stakeholders and used actively for climate change adaptation within the Lake Victoria region
- Improved access to the latest available climate models, ensuring the latest climate projections are available to the stakeholders, that would ensure more robust and climate resilient decisions within the water resource and energy sector
Date of submission
Geographical scope
Budget range
Project details
Cross-sectoral enabler
Capacity building and training
Communication and awareness
Governance and planning
Disaster risk reduction
Final type of assistance
Decision-making tools and/or information provision
Request NDE
Science, Technology and Innovation Secretariat, Office of the President
UNEP-DHI Partnership – Centre on Water and Environment