Tonga is among the most vulnerable countries to the impacts of climate change. It also continues to be increasingly dependent on the imported fossil fuels that dominates its greenhouse emissions. With this dependency, Tonga faces the double challenge of volatile fuel prices and exposing its fragile environment to air pollution, fuel spills and water and soil contamination. In an effort to reduce GHG emissions, Tonga has adopted an energy target of 50% renewable energy by 2020 and 70% by 2030. While access to electricity is at a high of above 90%, the renewable energy penetration is consistently between 7% and 11%, with the best month being 14% - 16%. The Ministry of Meteorology, Energy, Information, Disaster Management, Environment, Climate Change and Communications requested CTCN technical assistance in order to explore adding biogas as a means to meeting its energy targets.
CTCN Support
Identify the feasibility of adding biogas to Tonga’s portfolio of power generation sources:
Conduct a biogas feasibility study
- Assist in the preparation of a Green Climate Fund financing proposal for the funding of a biogas plant
Expected Impact
- Introduction of biogas at an industrial scale so as to immediately reduce the power tariff, in particular, to household consumers
- Contribute to achieving the government’s 50% renewable energy by 2020 and 70% by 2030 targets as well as its energy efficiency targets
- Create new jobs and catalyze value adding activities
- Use biogas technology to trigger other related socio-economic developments