Bio-waste minimization and valorization for low carbon production in rice sector


This Technology Transfer Advances Viet Nam's

  • Nationally Determined Contribution to reduce GHG emissions by 8% compared to Business-as-Usual by 2030, in line with the Government's prioritized policies, such as renewable energy development. 


Vietnam depends on coal as its main energy source, which comes either from the north of the country or has to be imported to meet future demand. Alternative, locally produced fuel sources could increase energy self-sufficiency and foster development of a local energy sector. Rice husk represents an enormous potential in terms of organic material to be used as an energy source. With an estimated production of 44 million tons of paddy rice in 2013, approximately 7 million tons of rice husks are available (or to be disposed of if unutilized) in terms of potentially usable biomass.

Technical Assistance Request

Unfold potential of bio-waste conversion projects with a relevant and concrete impact; Explore options for scaling-up effect in the rice sector as well as for thermal energy demand in other sectors.

CTCN Response

  • Support the selection of appropriate technology options for paddy drying, briquette production and combustion
  • Identify a business development strategy for industrial use, with the ultimate objective of unlocking investments

Relevant Technologies and Approaches

Expected Results

  • Support for informed decision making and investment in selected enterprises 
  • Scaling-up of resource efficient and cleaner production improvements by demonstrating and promoting measures within other enterprises in the sector
  • Strong climate change mitigation potential through replacement of fossil fuels and associated cumbersome transport processes with local and unused biomass wastes, which are currently landfilled creating additional GHG emissions


Date of submission
Geographical scope
Budget range
Waste management

Project details

Final type of assistance
Feasibility of technology options
Request NDE
Ministry of Natural Resources and Environment of Vietnam
SNV Netherlands Development Organization
This technical assistance advances the following Sustainable Development Goals

Key documents

Project documents
