The Paris Agreement established the technology framework to provide overarching guidance to the work of the UNFCCC Technology Executive Committee (TEC) and the Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) in promoting and facilitating enhanced action on technology development and transfer. The TEC and the CTCN are pleased to launch their first joint publication on technology and the Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC).
This publication focuses on technology needs, technology challenges, linkages between policy and implementation and linkages between NDCs and national adaptation plans. It also takes into account the outcomes of the panel discussion organized during the TEC and CTCN AB joint session.
The publication:
- Provides synthesis of technology issues related to NDCs with a focus on technology needs, challenges, linkages between policy and implementation and linkages with national adaptation plans;
- Presents success stories regarding the uptake of technologies in support of NDC implementation;
- Presents a number of observations and concludes with recommendations.
Publication date
CTCN publications
Cross-sectoral enabler
Capacity building and training
Communication and awareness
Governance and planning