Capacity-building activities during the period 1 July 2020 – 30 April 2021 

Virtual Dialogue Series for Enabling Resilience and Scaling-up

Action on Climate Change Adaptation

Mid- October – Mid-November 2020, series of 5 webinars

In preparation for the 7th APAN Forum, five webinars were streamed to introduce the Forum’s themes. After the opening session on urgency to scale-up adaptation action to build resilience for Asia and the Pacific, the following four webinars addressed: inclusive resilience; economic resilience; nature-based resilience; and resilience of people and communities. With almost 600 unique attendees and 800 participants, the series brought together perspectives from across the Asia-Pacific region on climate adaptation and resilience.

All recordings are available on APAN YouTube channel

7th Asia-Pacific Climate Change Adaptation Forum

Enabling Resilience for All. The Critical Decade to Scale-up Action

8-12 March 2021, virtual

APAN forum

Resilience was the unifying theme of the Forum and discussions will be organised around the five enablers: (i) Climate Governance and Policy, (ii) Planning and Processes, (iii) Science and Assessment (iv) Technologies and Practices, and (v) Finance and Investment, through which resilience may be enhanced to deliver an inclusive resilience society, the resilience of economic sectors, nature-based resilience and resilience of local communities against the adverse impacts of climate change.

The Forum featured one enabler per day. The theme was introduced through a plenary session in which experts discussed: a) how each enabler is currently supporting efforts of building resilience against the adverse impacts of climate change; b) where trade-offs may occur and how to minimize and avoid them; and c) how to scale-up good examples and practices to support resilience for all. Parallel technical sessions around the four thematic streams focused on (i) Inclusive Resilience; (ii) Nature-based Resilience (iii) Economic Sector Resilience; and (iv) Communities and Local Resilience.

The 7th APAN week, which saw over 2900 registrations and almost 900 unique participants included:

  • 2 high-level plenaries;
  • 5 plenaries on the Forum’s Enablers;
  • 20 technical sessions on the Forum’s Thematic Streams;
  • 40 exhibitors at the Market Place;
  • 3 special events, 1 side event and
  • Networking opportunities on the event platform

All recordings are available on APAN YouTube channel

IISD Summary of the event

Visual journey though graphic recordings


Resilience Outlooks

The four resilience outlooks cover the key aspects of resilience, analysing them against the means by which each of these systems may be enabled: the five enablers of the 7th APAN forum – Policy and Climate Governance; Planning and Processes; Science and Assessment; Technologies and Practices; and Finance and Investment.
