Activities undertaken in the last quarter:

  • Capacity Building Hub: Built upon the outcomes of the first Hub, the 2nd Capacity-building Hub at COP25 succeeded in representing a rich diversity of voices, experiences, and topics relevant to the work of the PCCB on climate-related capacity-building. Over the course of seven thematic days, the PCCB hosted over 60 events with more than 260 experts and 210 institutions involved. The Capacity-building Hub was visited by over 1200 participants, onsite, and reached a wider audience, online. The success and significance of the Capacity-building Hub were acknowledged by a wide array of actors during COP25, placing capacity-building in the spotlight of the conference. As the Parties agreed on the extension of the 'PCCB's work, they solidified the Hub as an integral part of the 'Committee's work plan for 2020-2024.

         Click here for more information.

  • Capacity-building Knowledge to Action Days at the Regional Climate Weeks:  Capacity-building Knowledge to Action Days, an event series of full-day workshops at the regional level. The first two events already took place, and a third workshop is set to take place later this year. 
  1. Capacity-building Knowledge to Action Day during the Latin American and Caribbean Climate Week (LACCW), August 2019.
  2. Capacity-building Knowledge to Action Day during the AsiaPacific Climate Week (APCW), September 2019. The organization of the Capacity-building Knowledge to Action Days is an effort to provide a grounding for higher ambition and further action in the different regions. Diversity, participation, and partnership are guiding principles in the


         Click here for more information.


  • PCCB Network: The PCCB Network is envisioned as a voluntary association of interested stakeholders engaged in climate-related capacity-building who can share information on good practices of their work, contribute to the work of PCCB in fulfilling its mandate and seek to connect with their peers across sectors and regions. The goal of the PCCB Network is to foster synergies and enhance coherence and coordination in capacity-building efforts for climate action. The PCCB Network is open to all public and private entities and initiatives at the local, national, regional, and international levels.


         Click here for more information.


Upcoming events:

  • 5th June, 2020. 9th Durban  Forum on Capacity-building (Virtual) : The Durban Forum on Capacity-building is an al annual, in-session event organized under the auspices of the SBI that brings together stakeholders involved in building the capacity of developing countries to mitigate and adapt to climate change. The 9th Durban Forum will take place on 5 June virtually. The focus being "Capacity-building to support the implementation of Enhanced Transparency Framework under the Paris Agreement – ensuring coherence and coordination of actions and support."

         Click here for more information.

  • 22-25th June, 2020. The 4th meeting of the PCCB (Virtual):  This being the first meeting of the Committee following the extension of it is mandate, it is of high importance as the Committee discuss the work plan for the period 2021-2024, among other things.

         Click here for more information.

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Contact person:

Alejandro Kilpatrick

Email:  [email protected]


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