News/Capacity building:
- Responding to the impacts of the COVID-19 global pandemic: Interlinkages between people, planet and prosperity. Click here for more information.
- GCF strengthens the role of women on climate change frontline. Click here for more information.
- Call for public comments: Draft supporting operating procedure of the IRM on retaliation. Click here for more information.
- Logistics Note - Informal meeting of the Board – Liberia. Click here for more information.
Activities undertaken in the last quarter:
- Capacity building for climate finance coordination: The Readiness Programme provides grants and technical assistance to National Designated Authorities (NDAs) and/or focal points (FPs). Readiness funding can also be deployed to strengthen Direct Access Entities. The objective is to enhance the capacity of national institutions to efficiently engage with GCF. Dedicated readiness funding may also assist countries in undertaking adaptation planning and developing strategic frameworks to build their programming with GCF.All developing country Parties to the UNFCCC can access the Readiness Programme. GCF aims at least 50 per cent of the readiness support goes to particularly vulnerable countries, including Least Developed Countries (LDCs), Small Island Developing States (SIDS) and African States
Click here for more information.
- Webinar on the updated Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme: As a result of the Board decision on the revised Readiness and Preparatory Programme (RPSP) strategy for 2019-2021, the RPSP guidebook is expanded with additional information and guidance to address the substantive and operational changes authorized by the Board. This webinar presented the new proposal templates and updated RPSP guidebook.
Click here for more information.
- GCF means business: How the world's largest climate fund works with the financial sector to drive global change (23 April, 2020)
Climate change offers businesses an unprecedented chance to capitalise on new growth and investment opportunities that can protect the planet as well. GCF employs part of its funds to help mobilise financial flows from the private sector to compelling and profitable climate-smart investment opportunities. GCF's private sector support promotes private sector climate action in developing countries by de-risking the delivery of capital flows for low-carbon and climate-resilient development.
Click here for the PDF.
- Readiness and Preparatory Support guidebook: A practical guide on how to prepare readiness proposals for the Green Climate Fund (27 March 2020)
GCF provides capacity building and technical assistance support to developing countries to enhance access to climate finance through the Readiness and Preparatory Support Programme. The Readiness Programme is mandated by the Governing Instrument of GCF to provide resources for strengthening institutional capacities, governance mechanisms, and planning and programming frameworks to identify and implement a transformational long-term climate action agenda for developing countries.
This guidebook provides a complete overview of the Readiness Programme, including advice on how to develop and submit high-quality readiness proposals and navigate challenges during grant implementation.
Click here for the PDF
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Contact person:
Juan Pablo Hoffmaister
Email: [email protected]