MTC – a Full-Scale Test Bed for New Solutions within Waste and Pollution


Increased efforts in environmental technology is crucial to achieve a more sustainable use of society’s resources. MTC in Umeå specialises in the implementation of emerging environmental technologies, focusing on waste, contaminated water and contaminated soil. MTC is a large test bed facility for demonstration of new and innovative environmental technology in a real environment. MTC performs feasibility studies, pilot tests and full scale deployment. All with the mission to provide sustainable environmental solutions, by developing new treatment technologies and find new uses for waste materials. The facility is an open platform where actors from industry, academia and the surrounding community can collaborate to enable more green solutions that are implemented in industries and operations. MTC’s customers include problem owners, companies looking to demonstrate new technology and science focusing on applied research.

<h2> Speeding up the process from idea to market </h2>
MTC’s focus areas are linked to some of the toughest industries and problems regarding pollution, mainly mining and mineral, pulp and paper, and contaminated water, sludge and soil. By creating a powerful collaboration platform for the industry, academia and the surrounding community, MTC contributes to more green solutions reaching the market.

MTC shortens the step between laboratory trials and practical applications in the industry by testing, optimising and verifying laboratory results in large-scale, providing valuable support to customers when promoting environmental innovations.

<h2> Examples of projects and research </h2>
TransAlgae is one of the projects that MTC is involved in. The purpose is to find solutions for creating renewable energy and products from algae, by producing micro- and macro algae from industrial waste streams such as waste water and fuel gases. Since the algae both absorbs CO2 and nutrients, they can have a large positive environmental and climate effect. Another project is Refine, which includes research on organic and inorganic substances and microbes, to investigate and evaluate risks for environmental damage and develop methods that can be used in different areas.

<h2> Advanced facility and competence </h2>
The work at MTC brings added value to research and development projects. The authorised and environmentally safe facility provides the possibility of working with large volumes of environmentally hazardous substances, skilled staff who can work in short-term and goal-oriented projects, and an organisation that is used to collaborate in projects focusing on early implementation.

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Countries where implemented

Energiväg 8 Umeå

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