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Over 40 representatives from 17 countries of the African region met in Mauritius to discuss the need for Green Cooling and develop strategies to implement mitigation actions in their countries’ cooling sector. The workshop concluded with a site visit to a cascade system installed at the Université des Mascareignes.
The Green Cooling Africa Initiative, funded by the UN Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) and carried out by the Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH, aims at preparing the partner countries for a transformational change towards sustainable and energy efficient cooling appliances. The Green Cooling Africa Week was organized by the Mauritian Ministry of Social Security, National Solidarity, and Environment and Sustainable Development in the context of the regional Green Cooling Africa Initiative (GCAI).
In a regional workshop, the results of the Green Cooling Africa Initiative, such as inventories for the cooling sector, technology gap analyses, as well as policy and technology roadmaps for the refrigeration and air-conditioning (RAC) sector, were presented and discussed. Political decision-makers of the region engaged in a lively exchange of experiences about the project’s results and discussed the replication of the activities in their respective countries.
Additionally, a two-day training provided the opportunity to learn about the steps from an inventory to project implementation and further funding opportunities. One exercise consisted of including RAC sector mitigation actions in the countries’ nationally determined contributions (NDCs). Participants acknowledged the high mitigation potential of the sector, according to Memory Kamoyo, Environmental Officer from Malawi, the results were quite “eye-opening”.
GCAI and the potential for replication of the tools, methods and results in other countries of the region offers an excellent and unique opportunity for participants to embark on a climate- and energy-friendly, as well as low mitigation pathway for their refrigeration and air conditioning sectors at low costs.