At COP27, the CTCN is launching its third Programme of Work for 2023-2027. This programme responds to the need to rapidly accelerate the shift towards climate resilience and emissions reduction, and aims to facilitate the implementation of mitigation and adaptation action, delivering transformational change and achieving sustainable outcomes and impacts.
The programme maintains its country-driven approach while seeking to enhance transformational impact and scale across its core areas through two proven technology enablers (national systems of innovation and digitalization) and five system transformations (water-energy-food nexus, buildings and infrastructure, sustainable mobility, energy systems, and business and industry).
To read the full official Programme of Work, visit here: CTCN Official Document – Third Programme of Work 2023-2027
To read the summary document for the public, visit here: CTCN Third Programme of Work 2023-2027 (summary for the public)
In addition, a press conference will be held at COP27 on 15 November to announce the launch the first joint work programme of the Technology Executive Committee (TEC) and the CTCN, which comprise the two bodies of the Technology Mechanism under the UNFCCC. This joint work programme aims to significantly step up their collaboration, as well as the engagement of governments, multilateral organization and other key stakeholders through cooperative action for advancing innovation and climate technologies that are urgently required to tackle climate change.