Centre for Energy, Environment and Technology Research
The Centre for Energy, Environment and Technology Research (Centro de Investigaciones Energéticas, Medioambientales y Tecnológicas - CIEMAT) is a public research organization focused on energy and environment and the technologies related to them. The CIEMAT main lines of action are the study, development, promotion and optimization of various sources as renewable energies, study of their impact on the environment, development of new technologies; not forgetting areas of basic research such as high-energy physics and molecular and cellular biology.
CIEMAT collaborates with other R&D&I institutions, universities and business in the sector to transfer the knowledge and technology that it has generated, supporting and encouraging innovation and changing the economic model.
As a result of its long history of developing research projects, CIEMAT has a wide range of facilities that enable project to be carried out in very different scientific-technical areas, both laboratory and preindustrial.
The CIEMAT’s team is around 1,340 people whose central offices are located in Madrid. CIEMAT has also, the Centre for the Development of Renewable Energy Sources (Centro de Desarrollo de Energías Renovables - CEDER) and the International Centre for Studies in Environmental Law (Centro Internacional de Estudios de Derecho Ambiental - CIEDA) both in Soria, the Extremadura Advanced Technology Centre (Centro Extremeño de Tecnologías Avanzadas - CETA) in Trujillo, and the Sociotechnical Research Centre (Centro de Investigación Socio-Técnica - CISOT) in Barcelona. Otherwise, in the framework of new energy technologies the Solar Platform of Almería (Plataforma Solar de Almería - PSA) in Andalucía is a CIEMAT facility of international excellence in the sphere of concentrating solar technologies working in a constant contact with the renewable energy industry, which considers it a relevant instrument for its commercial leadership and international competitiveness.
On the other hand, CIEMAT activity is framed in national and international settings, and is complemented by activities such as education, technology transfer, rendering technical services, advising to the administrations and representation of Spain in a diversity of international forums in concrete fields of energy, environmental and biomedical technologies.
The CIEMAT’s mission is to contribute to sustainable development of the country and to the quality of life of its citizens through the generation and application of scientific and technological knowledge. Its goal is to maintain its position as a Centre of excellence in energy, environment and technology and in basic research.