Supriya Perera

    First name
    Last name
    How do you self-identify or would like to be identified?
    Do you belong to any ethnic minority group of self-identify as an indigenous person?
    Affiliation, organization, or community
    Moonee Valley Sustainability
    Years of professional or activism experience or of knowledge built on specific indigenous expertise
    1-5 years
    Country of residence
    In which geographic region (and sub-region) does your work mostly focus?
    Do you have proven experience in gender and climate change issues?
    No, my work/ area of expertise focuses on other climate related issues
    Please provide your short bio reflecting on your academic, professional and practical background

    Supriya Perera has a background in User Experience Design and works to apply design thinking to the climate action process. She is the Co-Founder of Seven Summers designed to enable climate action for Brisbane households and amplify local community and climate tech efforts across Queensland. She continues to work with communities, startups and local organisations through Moonee Valley Sustainability, Women in Environment Leadership Australia and Women's Climate Congress .

    Are you interested in being contacted for any of the following
    Advisory in technical assistance project
    Other (please specify):
    User Experience Design