The CTCN receives requests for technical assistance and capacity building from developing countries all over the world.
Choose the country of interest from the drop-down menu below and use the filters on the right side to access some of the following resources
Technical Assistance: Learn about the technology assistance the CTCN provides in the country and how they relate to the Sustainable Development Goals
National Plans: Nationally Determined Contributions (NDC’s), Technical Needs Assessments (TNA’s), National Adaptation Plans (NAP’s), Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Action (NAMA’s), etc.
Publications: Filter among our 10 000+ publications related to your country of interest
Organisations: Connect with CTCN Network Members based or active in the country or region
Energy profile: Explore the energy profile of different countries to learn more about the extent of the electricity grid, renewable energy potential and national legislation and policies for the area
Follow this link to find the National Designated Entity of your country.