Events facts
Venue: SE Room 6
Harnessing the potential of emerging technologies presents a promising avenue for addressing the dual challenges of climate change and land degradation. Collaborative efforts between UN organizations and key partners aim to facilitate the accessibility of mitigation solutions, leveraging the transformative power of innovation. This involves not only supporting the transition from workshop to market to the field but also bolstering National Systems of Innovation.
The side event, titled 'Innovative Technologies in Mitigation and Land Restoration: Finding Solutions for Accelerated Uptake,' will shed light on how innovation and technology contribute to mitigation efforts in agriculture and challenging-to-abate industrial sectors such as steel and cement. Additionally, it will explore their role in land restoration and terrestrial habitat conservation. The event also serves as a platform to unveil the forthcoming second edition of the Green Technology Book (GTB), focused on climate mitigation solutions, jointly published by WIPO and CTCN in collaboration with the Academy of Scientific Research & Technology of Egypt.
This edition of the book focuses on Industry, Agriculture and Land Use, and Cities, emphasizing the imperative for comprehensive and sector-specific approaches to combat climate change. The showcased technologies within its pages can serve as practical guides, offering governments, industry leaders, and communities worldwide valuable insights to embrace, invest in, and deploy these effective mitigation technologies.
For further details and the agenda, please refer to the enclosed document.