CTCN Regional Forum for the National Designated Entities (NDEs) in Asia and the Pacific


Events facts

Participating network members
Global Environment Centre Foundation
National Institute of Green Technology (NIGT)
Korea Environment Corporation
Korea Institute of Geoscience and Mineral Resources
Korea Institute of Civil Engineering and Building Technology
SUNJIN Engineering and Architecture
Korea Astronomy and Space Science Institute
Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology
Korea Technology Finance Corporation
Korea Environment Institute
Science and Technology Policy Institute
Korea Water Resources Corporation
EED Advisory Limited
Korea Atomic Energy Research Institute
Korea Productivity Center Quality Assurance
Sea & River Technology
APEC Climate Center
Royal Melbourne Institute of Technology
Zimbabwe Sunshine Group
Korea Rural Community Corporation
Mine Reclamation Corporation
Korea District Heating Corporation
16 July 2018 > 20 July 2018 CEST
Climate Technology Centre and Network

The CTCN, the Ministry of Science and ICT of the Republic of Korea and the Green Technology Center (GTC) jointly organized the CTCN Regional Forum for NDEs from Asia and the Pacific on 16th to 20th of July 2018 in Seoul, Republic of Korea.

In addition to the Regional Forum for NDEs, the Technical Expert Meeting (TEM), as a one-day session on July 19, was organized as part of the Technical Examination Process (TEP). The regional TEM focused on the links between climate change adaptation and mitigation through the nexus approach using the water-energy-food nexus as a learning-by-doing example.

In parallel, the participants had the opportunity to attend the Korea Climate Technology 2018, hosted by the Ministry of Science and ICT (July 18) and one-day climate technology field visit (July 20), organized by the Ministry of Science and ICT and the GTC.

The main objectives of the forum were to:

  • Clarify the importance of climate technologies within the Paris Agreement;
  • Promote South-South and North-South learning concerning priority climate technologies in the region;
  • Strengthen collaboration and enhance linkages between CTCN stakeholders and counterparts within other mechanisms under the Convention;
  • Create networking opportunities through showcasing innovative climate technologies that respond to country priorities and support implementation of Nationally Determined Contributions (NDCs) and National Adaptation Plans (NAPs); and
  • Provide inputs to TEP and Talanoa Dialogue through the regional TEM.

During this Regional Forum, more than 80 participants including NDEs from 19 Asian-Pacific countries, NDA, selected Consortium Partners, Network Members, UNFCCC Secretariat, Green Climate Fund(GCF), and other climate experts shared their experiences and best practices from (or/and with) the CTCN.

This action was carried out with funding by the European Union.