Events facts
9:00-17:00, COP23, Rheinisches Landesmuseum, Bonn
The workshop, organized by the CTCN, the UNFCCC Women and Gender Constituency, and Women Engaged in a Common Future (WECF), gathered winners of the Gender Just Climate Solutions Award in Bonn during COP23, to introduce them to capacity building, financial and technical assistance, as they explore opportunities for up-scaling their solutions as well as promoting gender-sensitive approaches in technology transfer and development. The day long event also provided an opportunity for previous winners to share their experience and expertise with each other as part of the kick off of a year long mentorship programme offered by the Constituency.
A photo gallergy from the awards ceremony and workshop are found below, followed by links to workshop presentations and other key information. A brief guidebook on upscaling gender-just solutions will be distributed in early 2018.