Events facts
The Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) is accountable to the Conference of the Parties (COP) of the UNFCCC through the CTCN Advisory Board. The Advisory Board meets twice per year and provides direction on the CTCN’s fulfillment of the COP’s guidance.
This 20th CTCN Advisory Board meeting is organized in conjunction with the 25th meeting of the Technology Executive Committee and the joint session of the Technology Executive Committee and the Advisory Board of the Climate Technology Centre and Network will be held in Bonn on Friday, 9 September 2022 from 09:00 -17:00 CEST (To view online:
The 20th CTCN Advisory Board meeting will take place in Bonn from Monday, 12 September to Wednesday, 14 September 2022:
- Monday 12 September: 13-17.00 CET (To view online:
- Tuesday 13 September: 13-17.00 CET (To view online:
- Wednesday 14 September: 13-16.15 CET (To view online:
Please note that the times are still subject to slight changes.
Day 1
Outcomes of TEC 25 and opportunities for enhancing systematic feedback between TEC and CTCN
Draft outline of the joint TEC-CTCN publication on Technology and NDCs
Ongoing joint activities: Communication and Outreach Activities
Draft Work programme of the Technology Mechanism for 2023-2027
Update on the CTCN’s activities
Monitoring and evaluating the work of the TEC and the CTCN: Results of the NDE survey 2022
Day 2
Global Environment Facility update