14 May 2013 - 11:00 am > 15 May 2013 - 7:00 pm CEST
Climate Technology Centre and Network
The First Advisory Board Meeting of the CTCN, held on 14 and 15 May 2013 in Copenhagen, Denmark, was an important step to complete the so-called operationalisation of the UNFCCC Technology Mechanism. The Advisory Board provides strategic direction and advice to the CTCN and reports to the UNFCCC COP.
What was achieved during the meeting?
- The Chair and Vice-Chair were agreed. Griffin Thompson of the United States will serve as Chair and Fred Onduri of Uganda as Vice-Chair.
- The Advisory Board's Rules of Procedure were discussed and the Chair and Vice-Chair authorized to finalize them before the deadline of 23 May.
- An outline was agreed for a report by the Advisory Board to the UNFCCC Subsidiary Bodies at their June 2013 meeting.
- Mark Radka of UNEP gave a summary of the activities taken to date and CTCN finances.
- A brainstorm on criteria for prioritization of requests for CTCN assistance was held.
- Main elements of the CTCN programme of work for 2013 were presented by UNEP and discussed by the Advisory Board.
- The next meeting of the CTCN Advisory Board was proposed to be conducted back-to-back with the7th meeting of the Technology Executive Committee in September. The agenda is expected to contain the following items: finalization of the CTCN modalities and procedures, approval of the criteria for prioritization of requests, approval of the criteria for the Network, and the joint TEC CTCN report to COP19.