Events facts
The Climate Technology Centre and Network (CTCN) is accountable to the Conference of the Parties (COP) of the UNFCCC through the CTCN Advisory Board. The Advisory Board meets twice per year and provides direction on the CTCN’s fulfillment of the COP’s guidance. The 18th Advisory Board meeting took place online and it was streamed live. The meeting was held in conjunction with the joint session of the TEC and CTCN Advisory Board on 13 September 2021. The meeting was led by the Advisory Board Chair Moa Forstorp (Sweden) and Vice-Chair Omedi Jura (Kenya).
The first day marked the joint Technology Executive Committee (TEC) - CTCN session. The purpose of the joint session was to take stock of the progress on the TEC and CTCN joint activities to be undertaken in the period 2021-2022, as reported in the TEC and CTCN annual report to the COP and CMA for 2020. The two topics of focus under the joint activities were technology and NDCs, and gender and technology. The joint TEC-CTCN Chapter of the 2021 Joint Annual Report to the Conference of the Parties was presented and approved. Following feedback and inputs shared during the meeting, the joint publication on technology and nationally determined contributions - stimulating the uptake of technologies in support of nationally determined contribution (NDC) implementation, including joint key messages and recommendations, was adopted and finalized.
On the second day of the meeting, UNEP and UNIDO host institutions provided opening remarks, the UNFCCC Constituted Bodies, including the Adaptation Committee, the Standing Committee on Finance, and the two entities of the Financial Mechanism – the Green Climate Fund and the Global Environment Facility, also provided brief updates. CTCN Director Dr. Rose Mwebaza provided an update on progress achieved by the CTCN so far in 2021, as highlighted in the CTCN’s 2021 report to COP26.
The third day was opened by the Executive Director of the United Nations Environment Programme, Inger Andersen, where she noted an important role of the CTCN. The CTCN secretariat also presented its Annual Operating Plan and Budget for 2022 which was approved by the Advisory Board. The expert engaged by the UNFCCC Secretariat to undertake the Second Interdependent Review of the effectiveness of the CTCN, as mandated by the COP, provided an overview of the findings and recommendations which have been submitted for consideration by the COP26 in Glasgow. Two technical assistance projects were also presented: one by Mr. Amphayvanh Oudomdeth, assistant to the National Designated Entity from Laos, and another by Mr. Denis Machari from the Research Centre for Mapping of Resources for Development, a CTCN Network Member based in Kenya.
Day 1:
Agenda Item 3.1 Update on the progress of the work of the TEC
Agenda Item 4.1 Presentation of final draft technology and NDC publication and recommendations
Agenda Item 5 Gender and Technology Joint Activity
Agenda Item 7 Future TEC-CTCN joint activities
Day 2:
Agenda Item 12.1 Presentation from the Adaptation Committee
Agenda Item 12.2 Presentation from the Standing Committee on Finance
Agenda Item 12.3 Presentation from the Green Climate Fund
Agenda Item 13 Report of the CTCN Director
Day 3:
Agenda Item 19.1 NDE Presentation Laos
Agenda Item 19.2 Network Member Presentation RCMRD
Agenda Item 20.1 Second Independent Review of the CTCN
Video recordings